Just email me your answers and I will grade it and get back to you ASAP! Please number your answers! Thanks!
1. Where is Hanson from?
2. How many people are currently in the Hanson family?
3. True or false: Zachary loves sushi.
4. True or false: Isaac, Taylor, and Zachary are jealous of each other.
5. True or false: Hanson has never been on Oprah.
6. True or false: They all agree that someday they just might all cut off their hair, or grow it really long, they say it's just hair.
7. True or false: Taylor says the color red makes him sick--he can't stand it!
8.True or false: Zachary absolutely loves girls.
9. Where was Taylor and Isaac born?
10. POLL QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Do you think Hanson should cut their hair? Why or why not?
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