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Show Review: Jay Leno

Isaac: Leather jacket over a maroon shirt, and black pants. His hair was down.

Taylor: Mustard shirt over navy one, with black shiny pants. His hair was down, and it looked really cool!

Zachary: Black shirt with red and white stripes on the arms, and white pants. His hair was in his awesome-looking braids, and the back wasn’t braided!! Is it a new fad or did whoever braided it just not have enough time to finish? The world may never know.

They sang Where’s the Love. It sounded great! Really it did. I loved it. They sounded perfect. One thing though: Zac sounded really high compared to the other guys, and he really stood out. But of course, you can never miss Taylor or Isaac’s voice. Which are both perfect.

1-10 Grades:1 is the worst, 10 is the best.


HAIR: 10


SONG: 10

OTHER COMMENTS: They were interviewed after they sang Where’s the Love. The dumbest question they’ve ever been asked: "How did you guys meet?" ---quote, Taylor. One weird thing:Zac was making this really odd laughing/whimpering noise during the interview like he was trying not to crack up. It was a very interesting show, all in all!!!

Show Review: Fox After Breakfast

Isaac: He was wearing a green shirt with tan pants with a black stripe down the leg. His hair was in a ponytail.

Taylor: He was wearing a blue and black checked shirt, with pukey green pants that kind of clashed with the shirt. No offense Taylor, it’s the stylist’s fault. His hair was down.

Zachary: Blue shirt with black pants. His hair was down. He was really hyper.

They sang MMMBop and Thinking of You. They missed some lines in MMMBop. Maybe they did it on purpose, maybe it was just nerves. They were really into involving the crowd! Taylor said, "Come on!" more than I can count. But it was cool.

1-10 Grades: 1 is the worst, 10 is the best.


HAIR: 10


SONG: 8½

OTHER COMMENTS: During the interview, Zac was hogging the microphone! Taylor was trying to talk, but no. He finally grabbed it towards the end for a quick joke. Isaac was talking most of the time. Also, I think the host only remembered his name because she kept saying, "Isaac, can you tell me about this?" and he was like the only person she talked to. During the interview, at the bottom of the screen, it said, "HANSON: They’re teen brothers." I guess they didn’t do their homework:Zac is only 11! Not quite a teen yet! Kathy Griffin (another guest) said Zac is "h--l on wheels." How rude!

Show Review: MTV Movie Awards

Isaac: He was wearing a gold velvet shirt, with black pants. His hair was down.

Taylor: He was wearing a light blue shirt, with a black over-shirt. He was wearing black pants. His hair was down.

Zachary: He was wearing a blue shirt and black LEATHER pants. His hair was also down. 1-10 Grades:1 is the worst, 10 is the best.


HAIR: 10


OTHER COMMENTS: They presented the award for best fight. They were really cool, considering they were only on for about 30 seconds! Taylor was mouthing everyone else’s lines. He tends to do that a lot.

Show Review: Live With Regis and Kathy Lee

Isaac: He was wearing a blue shirt, with a black jacket, and black pants. His hair was down.

Taylor: He was wearing a blue shirt with white and black stripes on the arms. He was wearing black pants, and his hair was down.

Zachary: Blue shirt with a mustard-yellow shirt over it, and black pants. His hair was down. I have to say, he looked really young!

They sang MMMBop with only a guitar, tambourine, and those shakers. You couldn’t hear Zac or Zac’s shakers during the song! Maybe because that was a long time ago and Taylor’s voice didn’t change yet, so they blended together.

1-10 Grades:1 is the worst, 10 is the best.




SONG: 9½

Show: And the Nominees Are, and Greatest Moments in Video Music Awards History. (Both of them, since they were both basically the same.)

Isaac: He was wearing a blue shirt, silver sunglasses. His hair was in a ponytail.

Taylor: He was wearing a light blue shirt, and blue sunglasses.

Zachary: Red shirt with white stripes, and black pants. He was wearing silver sunglasses.

1-10 Grades:1 is the worst, 10 is the best.


HAIR: 10


OTHER COMMENTS: At the end of Greatest Moments in VMA History, Taylor got this really determined look on his face, then reached over and pinched Zac’s butt. Then Zac said, "Ow!" And Taylor nodded like "There. Satisfaction."

If you have any other reviews, please send them in! I appreciate all help on making my webpage awesome!!!!!

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