My Trading Page
This is my trade page for those who like to trade for Hanson tapes/CD's/pictures and etc. I am a strictly fair trader. I ask you personally to not trade with me if you intend to rip me off. I don't cheat people, and I'd like the same treatment. There should be a unspoken code of honor.. between one Hanson fan and another.. so be fair guys. With me and with others. If you're interested, e-mail me at
What I'm looking for:
- Real copies of Boomerang and MMMBop... a long shot, I know...
- Any bootlegs, rare items, pre-fame home videos, tapes..
- Radio interviews, appearances.. anything from the 7-31 Chicago concert or 10-30-97 B96 Bash
What I have to trade or sell:
- I have a radio interview from Chicago... wow, I know. I also have live pics.
- I have several bootlegs from various cities... from concerts on the Albertane Tour. I have a extra unwrapped 1999 calendar as well.
- I have millions of pin-ups, different versions of MMMBop, and I can make copies of Boomerang, MMMBop, and The Beginnings, along with MMTalk.