Chapters 33 through 36
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Chapters 33 through 36

Chapter Thirty-Three--Isaac

Isaac and Alexis were sitting in the Hansons' backyard, thinking about Taylor. 'I really need to do something. She was Taylor's girlfriend.' Alexis interrupted his thoughts. "What should we do?"

Isaac looked over at her. She was staring at the ground, a sad look on her face. "We should just be friends. I know you like Taylor more." She looked up at him sadly.

"Ike, I like you very much. And Taylor. I don't want to choose." She started crying softly. "I hurt him so bad."

"Alexis, I know you and Taylor are right for each other." Isaac hugged her. "Go talk to him. He might have calmed down. It's been two days." Alexis nodded. She got up and went inside. Isaac looked up at his bedroom window and saw Taylor glaring down at him. He quickly turned away. 'I hope he forgives us.'

Then he looked back up and saw Taylor had turned around and was talking to someone. He looked upset.

Chapter Thirty-Four--Taylor

Taylor was glaring down at his brother through his bedroom window. Isaac quickly turned away. The past few days had been hell. Taylor's bed was right under Isaac's so it was hard. Zac was the one trying to patch things up, insisting that he should talk to Alexis and Isaac. He'd always drop hints on how Alexis was upset that he wouldn't talk to her. 'Damn it! Let her be upset. Like she hasn't done anything to me.' He heard a soft knock on the door. He recognized it immidiately. It was Alexis. "What?" he asked harshly.

"I..I need to talk to you." she said through the door. "Please?" she added. Taylor got up and unlocked the door. Then he walked over to his computer and turned it on. He payed no attention as she walked in.

"Taylor, will you please listen to me? " He still ignored her. "C'mon, what's your problem? I've been trying to...."

"What's my problem?!" he asked incredously. "First you go out, behind my back, with my brother, kiss him, and you ask what MY problem is?!"

Her eyes dropped to the floor. "It was a mistake." she told him quietly. "We all make mistakes, Tay. Please forgive me. And Isaac. We both feel really bad."

He looked into her pleading eyes. He would've given in, but his pride was hurt too much. "I'll think about it." Then he turned back around and went onto the internet. He heard her leave. Then he got up and locked the door again. Then he sat down on his bed, in deep thought.

'What do I do? I want to forgive her, but she hurt me too much.' He knew, in his heart, that he already forgave her. He just didn't want to admit it. He looked out the window. Alexis was in the backyard again, talking to Isaac. He opened the window quietly, wondering what they were saying.

"I think he might forgive us." Alexis was telling Isaac.

"Thank God. I feel SO horrible about it." Isaac replied. Alexis nodded in agreement. "I miss him so much. If he forgives us, that's no guaruntee he'll still like me. But, if we're still friends, that's great. I think that you should try to talk to him tonight. If he knows we're both truely sorry, maybe he'll talk to us."

Taylor called down to them. "Alexis, Ike. Will you come up here?" They looked up in surprise.

"Uh, sure!" Alexis said excitedly. She gave Isaac a hopeful look and they both ran upstairs. Taylor was waiting for them in his room. "I've made a descision."

Chapter Thirty-Five--Alexis

Alexis waited in anticipation. The slightly happy look on Taylor's face filled her with hope.

"I forgive you guys." he said. Alexis jumped up and gave him a hug.

"I'm sooooooooooo sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I'm so glad you forgive me. I will never do anything like that again." she promised. She broke away so Isaac could hug him. They did. They hadn't talked in days. Isaac had tried, but Taylor had just ignored him.

"Lets go get something to eat. I'm really hungry." Taylor suggested. They nodded in agreement, and they walked over to McDonalds, which was five minutes away. They settled down in a small booth. Isaac went up to the counter to order their food while Taylor and Alexis talked.

"So, we're going to record the album in a week." Taylor told her.

"Yeah." Alexis was disappointed. Just when they became friends again, they were leaving.

"Do you want to come?"

Alexis looked at him in surprise. "Do you really want me to?"

"Of course. It'll be great to have someone else to talk to. Whenever we go on family vacations, talking only to Zac and Isaac gets old. And Jess, Avery, and Mac tend to get cranky." Alexis laughed.

"Yeah, I know what ya mean. Even Heather gets cranky. And my parents would usually fight, so they weren't the best times of my life."

Isaac came back over with the food. They started muching on fries and hamburgers. A few friends from Alexis's school walked in. She waved them over. "Hey Liz, Amber, Tricia. What's up?" The girls came over.

"Hi Lex. Whatcha doing?" Tricia asked

"Hmmmmmmmmmm?" Alexis said, her sarcastic streak coming, "We're picking our noses. DUH!"

Amber laughed. "Oh, Taylor. I have a note from this girl at our school. I was gonna give it to Alexis to give to ya, but since you're here....." She handed him a note with hearts drawn all over it. Alexis and Taylor started cracking up. Taylor was laughing so hard that he couldn't even read it. Isaac grabbed it from him.

"Dearest Taylor" he looked up. "Hehehe.. this is gonna be good." he continued reading. "You don't know me but I've seen your group perform many times and I think your music is great. I think you're really cute and I was wondering if we could go to the movies or something sometime. Write back soon. Love, Madeline."

Isaac started cracking up, along with Liz, Tricia, Amber, and taylor, but Alexis stopped.

"You guys, she likes Taylor. You don't have to laugh." Everyone immidiately stopped.

"Sorry Lex. I'll just tell her I already have a girlfriend."

"She's gonna be VERY upset. She's in love with you, even though she hasn't met you."

"I have an idea. Lets write a song and use her name as the name of it." Taylor suggested.

"Good idea." Liz said.

"I started writing a song, but I needed a girl's name. Madeline fits in perfectly."

They all got up and switched to a bigger booth so the six of them could sit together. Alexis and Taylor held hands under the table. Everyone resumed talking. Alexis was extremely happy that everything was back to normal.

Chapter Thirty-Six--Taylor

"Lex, you ready to go?" Taylor asked Alexis. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and the Hansons and the Neilsons were getting ready to leave for California, where Hanson was recording the album.

Alexis was rooting through her dresser drawer. "Almost, I gotta find something."

Taylor walked over to her. "What are ya looking for?"

Alexis looked up quickly. "Uhhh, nothing." She sighed. "Forget about it."

"No, no, no. You get whatever it is. Why don't you want me to see it?" Taylor asked.

"It's my diary." Taylor just looked at her blankly. "So? I have a diary too. What's the big deal?" Alexis just looked at him.

"I don't like people knowing I have a diary. Don't ask why, I just don't want them to know." She reached under a stack of shirts and pulled out a small book covered in cloth that had flowers on it. She stuffed it in her bag. "Okay, I'm ready." They went downstairs and hopped in the huge van that the Hansons owned.

"Let's rock!" Alexis cried. Zac hopped in behind them. He looked extremely tired. He just sat down and fell asleep.

"He's been really calm the past few days. Not as hyper." Taylor whispered, not wanting to wake his sleeping brother.

"He's just getting older. You said you were really hyper when you were younger."

Taylor laughed, remembering himself as a little boy, running around in his homes in South America, always wearing a hat and being hyper. He always carried around a baseball bat. "Yup. I used to hit Ike with the baseball bat I carried. I once hit him really hard, in front of our friends, and he went home crying. I got in trouble, but at the time, it was really funny."

Alexis started laughing.

"You weren't laughing when mom and dad didn't let you go outside and play for a week." Alexis and Taylor looked around. Isaac was standing in the doorway of the van. "Well...." "Now THAT, was funny." Isaac said. He jumped in, sitting in the back of the van, next to Zac. Soon Avery sat on his lap, Jessica was next to him, Mr. Neilson was next to Taylor and Alexis, and Mr. and Mrs Hanson were in the front. Mac was in a car seat next to them. There were bags crammed all around them.

They finally reached the airport and boarded the plane. Alexis sat next to Zac, Ike next to Taylor, Mrs. Hanson had Mac on her lap, Avery was next to Jessica, and Mr. Hanson sat next to Mr. Neilson.
