Chapters 37 through 41
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Chapters 37 through 41

Chapter Thirty-Seven--Alexis

After an exausting flight, the Hansons and Neilsons had finally landed.

"Mooooooooooooommmmmm, Avery hit me." Jessica complained. Mrs. Hanson, looking frazzled, gave her daughter a 'be good' look. Jessica shrunk back. Alexis smiled when she saw this. She was holding three suitcases. All the older Hansons(and the Neilsons) were loaded down with them. They all went to the hotel. Mrs. Hanson shared a room with Jessica and Avery, Mr. Hanson with Mackie, Zac, Taylor, and Isaac, and Mr. Neilson and Alexis shared a room.

When Alexis saw how crowded the boys room was, she started laughing. Isaac, Zac, and Taylor were arguing who would get the bed. "Since I sleep on the trundle bed at home, I shouldn't have to sleep on it here." Zac whined. "I'm the oldest." Isaac pointed out. "I'm...uhh.., the second oldest." Taylor put in. Everyone laughed at that. "Lex, shouldn't I get the bed?!" Zac said, a pleading look on his face. He hung onto her leg. Taylor and Isaac hurried over to her, shouting out reasons that they should get the bed. Mr. Hanson hurried over to the group. "HOLD IT!!!" Alexis was relieved. The boys were backing her up into a corner, and she was getting a headache from the yelling.

"Taylor and Zac will share the bed, SINCE," he added, noticing the look on Isaac's face, "they're smaller. Ike, you're too big to share with them." Mr. Hanson said.

"Ahhh, man!" Isaac complained. Zac shouted triumphantly and started jumping on the bed.

"Uhhh, well, I'm gonna go unpack." Alexis said, edging out of the room. No one noticed. As soon as she was out, she breathed a sigh of relief. Things got crazy with the boys when they argued.

"Dad, when are we going to dinner?" Alexis asked Mr. Neilson, who was unpacking.

"Ask the Hansons. We gotta get everyone together." Alexis went to Mrs. Hanson and arranged to meet everyone in the lobby of the hotel in a half an hour.

Soon they were eating dinner at a restaurant along the ocean. "This place is nice." Alexis commented as they sat outside on the deck. "Mmmmmmhmmmmm" Taylor said absently. He was too busy thinking about recording the new album. 'Maybe Madeline will have a c chord instead of....' ***AUTHOR"S NOTE---I don't know the chords for Madeline so pretend there's a c chord.***


Taylor looked up. Alexis was watching him. "Sorry, what?"

Alexis studied his face. She could tell by the happy look on it that he was thinking about his music. He always was happy when he thought about that. "Which song are you mentally revising?" she asked. A look of surprise crossed his face. "How'd you know?"

"I just do."

"Well, I was just thinking how Madeline would sound better, instead of having a f chord in the fifth measure, having a...."

"C chord?"


"I was thinking about that earlier." Alexis cut in.

"Really? Why didn't you mention it?" he asked.

"I didn't think you'd want me cutting into your music. I mean, you and Ike and Zac wrote the songs."

"Oh, yeah. Okay." He leaned back and watched as the waves crested. Alexis also did so. Taylor was dreaming about being famous all across the world. Little did he know what would soon happen.

Chapter Thirty-Eight--Isaac

"You know, you really bug me!" Isaac told Zac, who was playing a Game Boy and sitting next to Isaac on the bed.

"I know." he replied, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. Isaac sighed. He felt someone tap him. "ZAC!!!!!! That's enough!" Every minute or so, Zac would reach around him and tap his shoulder. After being tapped around 20 times, Isaac was losing his patience. Zac looked up at him innocently. Isaac stood up and walked into the bathroom-the only place he could be in peace and quiet.

He sat down on the counter. Him and his brothers were almost done recording the album. They had even filmed a music video for the song 'MMMBop'. The boys had been excited to be doing a video. Without realizing what he was doing, he started singing a song. ***AUTHOR'S NOTE-These are the real lyrics***

Something special about you babe/maybe it's your smile/but when I see you/you hear the dial go/ big bang it hit me like a boomerang/light turns green and blood starts flowing/big bang...

"IKE! What are you doing?! I need to pee."

Isaac stood up and opened the door. Zac gave him a strange look. "Why were you singing 'Boomerang' in the bathroom?" Isaac didn't answer. He walked out of the room and went downstairs to the pool. He took off his shoes and dipped his feet in the water. He noticed a girl about his age swimming laps in the pool. She was the only other person there. She didn't notice him.....yet.

"Hello." Isaac called. She looked up, surprised. "I thought I was the only one here." the girl told him. Isaac just shook his head. "What's your name?" he asked her. She cocked her head. "Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious." "Oh, well, it's Jamie."

"Okay, Jamie. Nice to meet you. I'm Isaac Hanson."

"That name is so familliar...hey. Are you from Oklahoma?" she asked.

"Yeah, me and my two younger brothers are here to record our album."

Jamie go out of the pool and pulled something out of a small duffel bag. It was the boys' earlier cds, Boomerang and MMMBop.

"My cousin lives in Oklahoma and she sent these to me." Jamie informed him.

They talked for about an hour and a half. "Hey, I'm getting hungry. Wanna grab something to eat?" Isaac asked Jamie.

"Uh, sure." Jamie put on a shirt and shorts over her blue one-piece bathing suit. She squeezed the water out of her long brown hair. "I'll be cold but who cares." she said, grinning.

They walked up to Isaac's room, only to find Mrs. Hanson yelling at Zac. "That is no reason to punch Avery. She's smaller than you and you could really hurt her. I think you should..." "Mom." Isaac cut in.

"Ike, can't you see I'm busy?" she turned around and realized he had a girl with him. "I just wanted to tell you that me and Jamie are going to grab something to eat." "Fine, fine. Go ahead." she turned back to Zac as they left the room. "As for you, young man..."

Chapter Thirty-Nine--Alexis

Alexis was sitting in the hotel room, bored. All the months they had been in California hadn't been fun. Most of the day, the boys were writing songs and recording. When they got home they'd be exausted. And weekends, they'd do promotional photo shoots. It was now April, and Alexis was ready to go home. And that's exactly what she told her father.

"Going for two weeks to visit Heather in Florida was fun, but now there's nothing to do." she complained to Mr. Neilson.

She had gotten bored a while back so she had gone to visit Heather. Plus, being homeschooled for that part of the school year hadn't been Thrillsville either.

"Well, if you really want to go home...I don't know. Stay home for almost a month, all by yourself?"

"Pleeeeeeeeeease, daddy." she begged. He thought about it. "I'm sorry, but I can't have you home alone."

She pouted but quickly got over it. Two days later, the boys had a day off. She woke up early and went to their room. After knocking on the door, a sleepy looking Mr. Hanson opened the door.

"Hi Mr. Hanson. Where's the guys." she asked.

"Oh, they left about an hour ago. Ike's girlfriend, Jamie, is showing them around."

Alexis felt extremely hurt. "Ok, bye."

She didn't even know Ike had a girlfriend. She was also hoping to spend the day with them.

She went downstairs. She waited in the lobby, hoping one of the guys would come back to get her. They didn't.

Alexis met a few guys by the pool. She was sitting on the edge, flirting with two of them. One had blong hair and the other had light brown. Seeing how they lived in Califorina, they were all really tan. ***AUTHOR"S NOTE--I know not everyone in CA is just seems that way. Hey, I live in Florida and I'm as pale as a ghost!***

They had brown eyes. She had also met up with another girl. She had blong hair, blue eyes, and was about two inches shorter than Alexis. Her name was Andrea. The boy with blond hair was Mark and the boy with brown hair was William, or Will, as he liked to be called.

"You guys hungry?" Andrea asked them. A chorus of 'yeahs' were heard. They all decided to go to McDonalds. When they walked inside, who was sitting at a booth near the back? Hanson!! And, with three pretty girls. Alexis decided to ignore them. If they could flirt, she could too. She picked up signals that Mark liked her, so she flirted with him. They got their food and sat down in a large booth. After five minutes, Alexis heard someone, an angry someone, saying her name. She turned around and saw Taylor.

"Hi Tay. What are you doing here?" she asked sweetly.

"Eating. You?" he asked. He glanced at Mark, who had his arm around her.

As he noticed this, he turned and punched him in the jaw.

Chapter Forty--Isaac

"Taylor, I can't believe you punched him!"

Isaac was watching his mother yell at Taylor. In his opinion, it was funny. But, he had a feeling Taylor didn't feel the same way.

Taylor was staring at the ground. "I didn't really think. I just.." "Damn straight you didn't think. Just because he was with Alexis, you had to hit him?" Mr. Hanson yelled. He glanced over at Isaac and gave him a 'leave, NOW!' look. Isaac got Zac and Mac(HEY! I CAN RHYME!) and left the room. Alexis was playing with Jessica and Avery in the other hotel room.

"Lex," he said when he entered the room, "Man, is Tay in trouble." Alexis looked up at him. "Good. That's what he gets. He flirts with a bunch of girls and gets mad if I do the same. And puches someone. Jeez." "Actually, he wasn't flirting with them. He was talking, but it was mainly me and Zac." he informed her.

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Really?"

"Yup." Zac answered for him. "I was flirting with the three girls. They all liked me."

"Yeah Zac. You think that." Isaac teased.

"I'm still mad at you three though. You have a free day and you didn't even take me with you." Alexis pouted.

Isaac noticed a tiny smile on her face. But soon it left. "I've been thinking about going home early. I'm in the process of begging my dad. He said he doesn't want me home alone buuuuut," she paused, "ya never know what he'll say."

"Why are you leaving, Lexy?" Avery asked her. Lexy was her new nickname from the three youngest Hansons.

"Because I don't really have a lot to do here." Alexis told her.

"No, you can't live." Zac complained.

"Why? I rarely see you guys."

"Fine." Zac stood up and pulled her with him. "Me and you and Ike and...well, Tay, if you want, will go out to the movies or something. We'll all party together."

Alexis smiled. Isaac gathered up Avery, Jessica, and Mackenzie and brought them into the other room, where his parents were. They were finished yelling at Taylor.

"Ma, we wanted to know if we could go to the movies. Me, Lex, Zac, and Tay." Isaac told his

"Okay, but," Mrs. Hanson added as Taylor stood up, "Not you, Taylor."

"Why?" he whined. One look from his mom and he shut up. Isaac snorted while trying to contain his laughter. Mr. Hanson handed him money.

"Nothing rated 'R', Ike. Zac is only eleven."

"Darn, we we're planning on seeing something like that." Isaac said, grinning..

Chapter Forty-One--Taylor

Taylor watched glumly as his brother drove out of the parking lot. He turned away to look at Mac, who was tapping him.

"Taylor, open this." he commanded. He handed him a little jar with little army men in it. Taylor had to laugh. A three year old was telling him what to do? "What's the magic word?"


"Okay." Taylor took of the lid.

"Thank you." Mac said as he walked away.

"Wait a minute!" Taylor scooped him up and flipped him upside down. Mac started giggling and he dropped all the army men on the floor. Jessica raced over from her place on the floor next to Avery and started tickling the toddler. Mac started laughing harder.

After a minute, Mac stopped laughing and told them to put him down. Taylor did so. He turned to see Mrs. Hanson watching in amusement. She knew Taylor loved his youngest brother very dearly. Taylor played with his younger siblings for a half hour before going to his room.

He plopped down on his bed and turned on the tv. There was cable and HBO. Some romance movie was on HBO. 'Yuck.' Taylor thought as he flipped that off. Some couple was fooling around. Taylor wasn't the biggest fan of romance movies. He put on the news.

"Boring!" he exclaimed. The mayor was being interviewed. He settled with Rugrats on Nickelodeon.

After seeing that he already saw that episode, he turned over on his side and fell asleep, even though it was only 8:00! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Zac ***Everyone in other stories makes Zac look like a pig that always wants to eat, so I'm changing that.***

"C'mon. Forget the snacks. The movie is starting." Zac tried to pull Alexis and Isaac towards the theater where the movie they were gonna see was playing.

"Zac, we'll only miss the credits." Isaac said after he continued tugging on their shirts, stretching them out.

"Well, I like seeing the credits too." Alexis hinted.

"Fine. I'll get the snacks. Just save me a seat." Isaac finally gave in. Zac and Alexis hurried into the already dark theater.

The credits had just ended and the movie was starting. They chose three seats in the back. It was almost empty. There were only five other people there. Three minutes later, Isaac took his seat next to them and passed out the food.

They settled in to watch the movie. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

(This is a dream)

'Taylor, help me.'

In his dream, Alexis was drowning. Taylor quickly dove in the water to save her. 'I'm coming' he called. He searched and searched, but he couldn't find her. She kept calling. He finally spotted her. He lunged and grabbed her foot. He pulled her out of the water. The next thing he knew, he was standing next to Isaac in a church. Alexis was walking down the isle. They were getiing married. She was about two feet away when she fell into a hole. It was filled with water. She sank to the bottem in her heavy wedding dress. This time, Isaac dove in to get her. They both didn't come up. Taylor looked into the hole, only to see them both frozen, in each other's arms, kissing. 'NO!' he cried. He tried to dive in, but someone held him back. It was Zac. 'It's Isaac's turn now' he said over and over, until the hole in the floor closed up. 'Ike, how could you?!' he cried. 'How could you?' "Taylor, wake up!"

Taylor opened his eyes and saw his brothers and Alexis staring down at him.

"You okay?" Zac asked.

Taylor glared at him, remembering the dream. "It's all your fault." he said before stuffing his head under his pillow and going back to sleep.
