Gokuu Vanishes in the Universe
Fansubber: Pearl
Namek is shown on the brink of explosion. there is blue thunder and lava spurting all over the dark red environment. SSJ Gokuu is flying above this scene. On Kaioh's planet, Tenshinhan asks Kaioh what's happening in namek. Kaioh tells them that Freeza is dead, and that Gokuu gave him a chance to live when Freeza begged. Freeza then attacked, so Gokuu was forced to kill him. Kaioh is deeply worried that planet Namek is about to explode.
Gokuu finds Freeza's ship in Namek and goes inside. He is looking for the control room but opens several doors before he finds it. When he finds the control room, he is stumped as to what the take-off button is. He presses a button, the engine hums, but the ship does not fly. Lava manages to get inside the ship as the whole ship creeps downwards into a deep trench. The ship falls into a pond of lava, but Gokuu manages to get out and fly to safety.
Kaioh's antennae emits electrical sparks, sensing the destruction of Freeza's ship. Kaioh, Yamucha, Chaozu, and Tenshinhan are convinced that Gokuu is done for.
Gokuu just watches as planet Namek gets in worse shape. Gokuu swears in frustration. Namek becomes a bright light and explodes.
[Commercial Break]
Kaioh is trying to sense Gokuu's ki and seems to be sure that he is, in fact, gone. Tenshinhan, Yamucha, and Chaozu are all shocked. Yamucha volunteers to tell Bulma the bad news so she, in turn, can tell Gohan what happened. Kaioh thanks Yamucha, who then places his hand on Kaioh's back.
Bulma is shocked to hear Yamucha's voice in her head. Yamucha first delivers the good news: Gokuu defeated Freeza. Bejita is angry at this turn of events. Then came the bad news: Gokuu dies because of planet Namek's explosion. Bulma blithely tells everyone on earth what had been communicated to her. Yamucha became furious because of her careless tone of voice and disregard for Gohan's feelings. Bulma laughs, saying the Namek dragonballs can revive anyone back to life again and again.
Kaioh is not impressed at what Bulma just said. He says that if they revive Gokuu and Kuririn, they'll die anyway because they can only be revived where they died. Since planet Namek no longer exists, they'll end up in outer space. Bejita is happy with this news.
Bejita calls himself the most powerful in the universe, then Gohan said that his father will come back to earth no matter what. Bejita is convinced that it won't happen. He offers Gohan a chance to work for him because of his Saiya-jin blood. Gohan gets mad, so he attacks Bejita.
Bejita dodges all the initial attacks, but he eventually gets hit by Gohan and gets beaten up. The 2 fly up to the air and face off. Bejita gets serious and asks Gohan if he is ready to die. Bejita beats up Gohan, ending the barrage of attacks with a ki blast that sends Gohan hurtling towards the ground. Bejita gets ready for another ki blast at the helpless Gohan. Piccolo appears behind Bejita and tells him to stop. Bejita flies away.
Dende comes to Gohan's aid. Bulma yells out Gokuu's name.