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Click here to go back to Jeff's Game Center! If you would like to go back to the Duke Nukem page click here!

DNKROZ - This gives you god mode and unlimited jetpack!

DNCORNHOLIO - This gives you god mode!

DNSTUFF - This gives you everything!

DNSCOTTYx0z - This warps you to any level! Example:DNSCOTTY309

DNHYPER - This puts you in steroids mode!

DNITEMS - This gives you all the inventory items and keys!

DNWEAPONS - This gives you all the weapons!

DNKEYS - This gives you all the keys!

DNVIEW - This does the same as the F7 key!

DNSKILLx - This changes the difficulty level! (x can be 0 - 3)

DNUNLOCK - This unlocks all doors and opens all doors!

DNMONSTERS - This turns on or off the monsters in the game!

DNCLIP - This allows you to walk through walls!

DNSHOWMAP - This shows the entire map!

DNCASHMAN - This allows you to throw money by pressing space!

DNCOORD - This shows detailed map information!

DNDEBUG - This shows debug information!
