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behavior problems and creative solutions

cat suckling study—psychological effects
I introduced a psychological section a bit after I initially introduced the survey--so this section was not completed for all cats.

9. Would you say that your cat, outside of the suckling, or previous suckling, is well-adjusted, or does the cat have behavior or emotional problems?
Suckling Feline #29:
Buddy Boy was the kindest, most affectionate and playful cat that I have ever known. I believed that the suckling helped him to relax and signified security to him, and it was very nurturing for me.
Suckling Feline #30: He is very attached to me and hates to be left alone. If we are in a different room than he, he cries and waits for us to call him before he comes and finds us. He's been doing this since the day we got him. Whenever we have guests over, he gets in the middle of everyone, and shows off to get attention.
Suckling Feline #31: Oh he is very well adjusted. We raised him from 2 days old because his mother abandoned him. So he thinks he is a human! But he was recently diagnosed with FIV or feline AIDS but it hasnt seemed to affect his health yet.
Suckling Feline #32: He is very sweet and very well adjusted. We never had any problems with him.
Suckling Feline #33: Seems well adjusted. Is much closer to me than others in the family. But gets along with all others. And the other cats in household as well.
Suckling Feline #34: She seems completely normal for a cat, to me.
Suckling Feline #35: yes definitely has behavioural and emotional problems--weird cat!!
Suckling Feline #36: Fairly well adjusted. She has always been a little skittish and wild...but not unusually so. Sometimes at night she zips around, chasing and stalking imaginary prey.
Suckling Feline #37: He seems to be normal cat. Not any different from my other two cats.
Suckling Feline #38: This cat seems to be well adjusted. I've also noticed when I rescue kittens, she likes to Mother them. I'm a rescuer and almost always have a new one here. She is training 2 new ones now. It is good for her and the kittens have her to learn from.
Suckling Feline #39: Does have psychological problems.
Suckling Feline #40: She is very loving but skittish, scared of new people, and prone to shredding paper and books. The first time i saw her in the shelter I couldn't hold her. She was too jumpy. Incredibly playful.
Suckling Feline #41: He is a very well adjusted cat. He likes to lay in my lap and sleep or suckle and knead his paws on me. He also gently bites on my arm when I scratch on his back.
Suckling Feline #42: Very well adjusted cat.
Suckling Feline #43: Well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #44: Well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #45: Other than the resulting baldness of the tip of his tail the cat is apparently normal and happy
Suckling Feline #46: Seems well-adjusted. Used to knead while suckling. Still kneads once in a while, while rubbing face against person. Very affectionate.
Suckling Feline #47: He plays rough and doesn't like to spend a lot of time being held and loved.
Suckling Feline #48: Did have behaviour problems, she only came near me and the other two cats in the household. she was terrified of everyone else. she also deficated in once in every room in the house, not on the carpet, but on a sock or a piece of paper or whatever else way laying on the ground.
Suckling Feline #49: Extremely craves attention.
Suckling Feline #50: She is easy to upset and then becomes aggressive towards the other cats.
Suckling Feline #51: He is very confident and is quite a dominant cat. We haven't had any behavioural problems with him.
Suckling Feline #52: She is somewhat anti-social and doesn't like to be touched or pet by anyone. Except by me sometimes.
Suckling Feline #53: Well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #54: Binky is food-posessive.
Suckling Feline #55: Loves people. Likes to head-butt/nuzzle
guests. A truly wonderful personality.
Suckling Feline #56: Mean to the Vet, acts friendly to guests but scratches after vocalizing. I am about the only one not afraid of her. She barely tolerates other cats (growls to maintain a buffer from them).
Suckling Feline #57: She is very needy for attention and hates to be left alone. She cries if she can't be in the same room with us. Otherwise very happy, playful, and loving.
Suckling Feline #58: Perfectly adjusted.
Suckling Feline #59: He urinates on the floor most of the time.
Suckling Feline #60: The cat has extreme behavior problems. He is very nervous and won't use litter box. He sprays and urinates in the water bowl. He is afraid of our other cats and has to be confined in our bathroom with another cat who is afraid of her own shadow. The cat continues to want to suckle and tries on many occasions when someone comes into the bathroom.
Suckling Feline #61: he really doesn't like to held or petted very often and is overweight.
Suckling Feline #62: she is jealous of attention given to my other cat. even if she is in my lap and he is on the other side of the room, she will get mad and leave the room.
Suckling Feline #63: very well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #64: used to be very, very skittish, now is only terrified of strangers.
Suckling Feline #65: well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #66: He is very well adjusted. He's one of 4 cats and he is a very good pet. We have no complaints. He's well behaved and very affectionate.
Suckling Feline #67: He's well behaved and very affectionate.
Suckling Feline #68: she seems normal other than she loves to suckle and 'kneed' the fur on our pomeranian. Our dog also has lots of little mattes caused by this.
Suckling Feline #69: he sometimes forgets to pee and poop in litter box and decides to go on carpets. sometimes when he's playful he'll start chewing on our ankles and hands but he never hurts us. i think he's still playing when he does this.
Suckling Feline #70: He's fine.
Suckling Feline #71: Well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #72: no she seems fine.
Suckling Feline #73: seemed very happy, except seemed to need constant attention and love.
Suckling Feline #74: well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #75: well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #76: well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #77: I'd say she was somewhat neurotic. She was cranky, hated other
cats, had a temper, and had a strange habit of running into walls.
Suckling Feline #78: very well adjusted. very self-assured and happy
Suckling Feline #79: well adjusted.
Suckling Feline #80: aggressive behaviour, socially immature
Suckling Feline #81: He seems very well adjusted and very loving.
Suckling Feline #82: behavior problems. brought into a large home where four cats already resided. He cannot play normally and menaces the other cats until they are angry and reject him.
Suckling Feline #83: she is kinda crazy
Suckling Feline #84: well-adjusted
Suckling Feline #85: He is very well adjusted, although the quirkiest cat I've ever known! Very vocal, outgoing, loves attention, very "dog-like" in personality.
Suckling Feline #86: well-adjusted
Suckling Feline #87: Domino is a normal cat other than this. But he is deathly afraid of being put in his carrier or taking a pill (which is somewhat normal anyway, I think)
Suckling Feline #88: she is siamese so she's pretty high maintenance anyway. Very jealous
Suckling Feline #89: no other problems
Suckling Feline #90: Cat seems otherwise normal - only does this for a minute or two - usually when I go to bed.

Also, there is a brief report section.