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the skinny...


BLIND (the long anticipated album) is now [finally, and covertly] available. Yes, after much complaining from me on this lame news page, Will Not Clear Man put it all together and produced one of the finest things I've ever had the privilege to be part of. Folks, it looks good, sounds good, and from what I've heard lately, it tastes damn good. I know it feels good.

You can get a copy by going to Will Not Clear Man or by mailing your hard earned 8 bucks (yes, that's how much it actually costs) to 822 Murray in Elgin, IL 60123. You might want to send that in the form of check or money order because the postmen need to eat and when it comes to free money they're like the homeless in a dumpster. Anyhow, it's definately worth the money, just in case you were worried.

Now, I would say, "You can always buy a copy of "Blind" off of us at a show", but if you go to the "Shows" page on this site, you will find out that you'd probably be waiting a little longer than you want to. Our next show is at The Mutiny in Chicago. The address and directions will be posted later, but as far as shows go, that is our next and only. We basically have no connections in the area and no promoters are tying up the phone lines, so it's a fat chance that you'll see or hear from us in the near future. If you'd like to see us around your neighborhood, then leave a post on the guestbook and let us know who we need to contact.

As far as miscellaneous news goes, we are currently practicing at the Will Not Clear Man house here in Elgin. The basement here is where Meridians Divided first fashioned our unique blend of Rock Opera Emo. Unfortunately, this magical dugout is not sprinkling its creative dust upon our brains. In fact, I believe it is actually cursed. Sam his skipped almost a month worth of practices now, and Ben has abandoned songwriting for the most part. Everybody seems down in the dumps when it comes to practice. Last week I snuck out of the basement to walk around the neighborhood. In all honesty, I was pretty depressed about our lack of motivation. Practice seems to be a moment for us all just to masturbate.

There is one bit of news that gives me hope though. Lauren Hurd is back from the University of Illinois and I've got this feeling that we could write some amazing new songs. We tried to do this last week, but, as I mentioned before, my heart was not in it. She is still a new member in a lot of ways and I think we're still trying to figure out how to incorporate her as a constant member.

So, there you have it. After two months I give you the news page. Bet you got tired of reading the same thing over and over again. Who I'm I kidding. Anyhow, yes! A NEW ALBUM. "BLIND" GET IT!!!


I went away for a week to carry 40lbs. on my back in the Great Smoky Mountains. It was a great time and it gave me those moments to reflect on what I should do with my life. Sorry to say, no major epiphanies were aquired, but I did come back to hear that our albumn is now at the plant! According to sources, you should start seeing it in stores in early April!!!

Don't too get excited just yet. Alot can happen between then and now, and I'm sure it will; fucking plant will probably start on fire. Anyhow, it's been a long process and I'm about wiped out (I don't know about anyone else). To think, we just finished recording this about 6 months ago. Whatever you kids do, don't start a label because shit happens alot slower than you think (can we say, "FNB comp"?).

We're still practicing in Chicago, but I think all tenants will be out of there in mid April. I'm really upset about that. I loved that place. For anyone that's ever been there, you know what I'm talking about. There was something special about practicing in a place with so much art around and all sorts of people with the same artistic drive. Well, all that's gone now and I can only hope we find another place like it. That's the beauty of practice space though, whether you like it or not it becomes your home.

Before I end this little bit of news, (that probably only four people read) I'd like to thank everyone for waiting so patiently for this albumn to come out. I'd also like to thank Jeremy and Chirs for believing in us. Sometimes I wonder if this band means anything to anyone other than myself, Ben, and Sam. We're gonna have a record release for this thing and I hope everyone that gives a damn shows up. Only then will I know who the TRUE listeners are. Thanks and see you soon.


The LP has not made it to pressing yet due to a problem with technology. Apparently the CD we burnt the artwork on is not working with the Macintosh computers that Will Not Clear Man is using to make the films. If anyone has any solutions, please e-mail them to us at or post it on the message board. So far, I've been trying to contribute but it hasn't been easy.

Last night we played a show in Chris and Jeremy's basement. Once again, I must thank you guys all. It was a wild time and Lauren was able to make it back up from Champagne to provide us with her beautiful smile and lovely violin. Thanks, Lauren. Hopefully, I'll see you soon. Remember to work on that song I told you about.

A recent crisis is that we are going to loose our practice space on Potomac in peacefull Humbolt Park. So, if anyone wants us to make noise at their place, let us know. It's gonna be a sad day when we say good-bye to luggin our crap up three flights of icy steps, but we will carry on so that we can bring the rock. We are making arrangements but things are still up in the air.

So, ya. Hang on tight everyone. We're going to get this album out to you soon, and we plan to rock a lot more then we have been. Bustin ass in March, maybe. Who knows, but this thing is happenin. Thanks for reading this and bye.


For once in a great while, the news page finally has some great news. Here is a letter sent to me by part of the "management" at Will Not Clear Man:

Hi Rob,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to call you and I probably will. Right now though, it is eight in the morning and I am at school. I want to appologize again for the delay. More imortantly though, I want to appologize for the lack of communication. I am sorry. Here is the deal. I priced the cds last night. (Up until then I had only a rough idea.) They are going to cost $1800. That's with bar codes, spine stickers and all the major label ammenities. By the end of next week I will have credit up to fifteen hundred. I am doing well this month. I am finally caught up from my eight month stint of paying rent for two. So, unless something awful happens, I will have the difference in cash by the middle of February.

This means that we need to bust the artwork. I am going to talk to Chris about it today. He has most of the stuff but I think there is one or two unfinished pages. I'll talk to Ben about that when we see what we have.

This is still top financial priority for me. I haven't forgotten about you guys or your record. I also haven't been living extravagantly. I got really far behind last year and I am just now digging myself out. Right now I just want to finish it because really, even if a big wad of money fell from the sky, we would still be a few days away from sending it out. Artwork needs to be finished, films must be run, and proofs must be made. We should plan to get together next weekend to look at the finished product. Then, with any luck, I'll be able to send it out that Monday. Turn around time is 7-10 days from when they receive the package although in the case of the samplers, it was quicker. That's all for now I guess. I'll let you know more when I do and I will call you all in reference to next weekend. Take care.



Yes, that's right! It looks like an LP might just come out after all. Thanks Jeremy for letting us know the deal. And now everyone got a glimpse at what it's like to run an indie-rock label. A lot of hardwork and I'm afraid we haven't been much help.

Anyway, thanks Jeremy and Chris.


Once again, we must apologize for our laziness in keeping this news page maintained. Unfortunately, our lack of motivation seems to be a pattern with us as of late. The last time we practiced together was at least three weeks ago. The fact that we are frequenting Marlene's often will also testify to the fact that we have no desire to make progress.

In our defense though, I'd like to say that our lives have taken some drastic turns over the past couple of months. I have graduated college, Ben is now a student at Northern Illinois University(and makes long drives to that place, bless his heart), and Sam lost his great job distributing liquor. Oh the tragedies we shall sing about. Anyhow, time has not been on our side when it comes to music.

We have been trying to rectify this though by switching practice to a new night. We are now practicing on Wednesday nights, and Ben and I get together on Tuesdays to write new material before we present it to Samuel. Of course, Wednesdays have not worked out(so far) do to a communication breakdown, but Ben and I have come up with some new, spacier sounds. Hopefully, you can hear all of this as soon as we find a place to play.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Some news about our forthcoming full length! Well, the rumor is that there will be no forthcoming full length. Not unless you e-mail us at There you can ask us to burn a copy for you. The word out on the street is that Will Not Clear Man does NOT have the funds to produce the rest of the music.

While I have been very distraught over this, Ben has remained calm and made me realize that shit happens. We are going to make more music for you to hear and maybe even record it. Who knows, we shall see. Until then, thanks for wondering about us. We want to know what's up with you, so leave a message on the guestbook. Please don't tell me how much you want me. Tell that to Ben, he is definately sexier.


Happy Holidays as well as a Fruitful New Year! About a month ago I came on here and typed up a bunch of crap, then I disappeared into a bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. After a couple of weeks Ben and Sam rescued me to play a show at Marlene's and that's probably the last anyone has seen of us. We've been basically doing nothing. We actually took three weeks off of practice before I got dressed up in a snowsuit and played that jam show in Elgin.

I wish I could tell you the new album will be out soon, but of course you'll all have to wait until February. And, since that is getting closer and closer everyday, I bet all of us here in the Meridians Divided camp will soon get a letter from Will Not Clear Man telling us that it will be out in March. Of 2002! Sorry Jeremy and Chris, I'm just getting anxious.

Anyhow, there's talk of us playing another show at Marlene's, not this upcoming Thursday, but the next. Of course we'll keep you posted on everything that's going on. Hopefully, it will be a bit more frequent then a month at a time. Thanks for caring. Bye.

11.24.00 (happy thanksgiving, EAT A TURKEY!)

So, you're probably all wondering why the last update only included Ben proclaiming his love of salad. Well, truthfully, that's really been the most exciting thing happening for us right now. Although, most of it has to do with me moving out of my house and in with my girlfriend. See, I'm usually the one who takes care of the news on here, so the fact that I've been busy with getting my life together and I don't have ready access to the net, has much to do with the slow updates.

The album probably won't be out until the beginning of the year, and there are really no shows to speak of. Unless, you know of a show you'd like to see us at. If you have any questions or comments please address them to the message board/guestbook. Or you can e-mail them to As far as the message book goes, don't be a punk-ass hate-edger and leave stupid messages for our friends on there. Thanks. The funniest part about that is that I'm friends with a lot of straight-edge kids and we all know what I'm up to. So don't be a jerk! It's people like you that make it hard for EVERYONE to get along.

Now, if you have any replies to that, you can leave those on the message board and I'll be sure to get back to you. Ironically, peace.


yeah, so i like salad....yumm

10.23.00(happy birthday, Brenda Missele)

We've praticed and I danced. Things sounded so good last Thursday at practice that I think we're completly ready to swoop down on Elgin this week and take it by its scrawny scrotum. Thursday night Marlene's, and then Friday night the Halloween Bash of all Haloween Bashes. It's gonna be soooo much fun. Dress up!

I would like to tell everyone the line-up so far, but I think I'll keep it a surprise. Most of you already know who's gonna be playing, but, hopefully, there will be a few surprises in there. I'm so excited! It's all I can think about.

Last night, I moved all the furniture around in the basement, so we're ready to roll and rock (because most people just roll nowadays). Please show up early so we can break it off for real. We look forward to seeing you all at Marlene's on Thursday, and you better be at my house on Friday.

If anyone needs directions to my(Rob) house, please e-mail me at, or call (847)697-0369. See ya.


We've danced but haven't practiced. And the SHOW HAS BEEN MOVED. Check the shows page, fool! Peace and chicken grease. (that one's for you, Louis)


The 3rd Annual Arnold Halloween Bash is getting organized at the moment. So far we know that it's going to be on Saturday, October 28th. It should start around 6:00 p.m, but that has not be totally settled yet.

As far as the bands go, well, of course the MD is playing, and Over and Over should be there as well. I've talked to Long Live Nothing and Bloody Tusk, but they are not sure. Concentration Day Camp is pretty positive they'll be there. Other than those few, it's pretty open. I can be reached at or (847)697-0369. If you'd like to play get in touch with me (Rob) soon because it's working on a First Come, First Serve Basis. I'm only allowing 8 bands so you better hurry. As you can see I'm down to about 4 spots left. Although, we all know how things can change just in the nick of time.

The LP should be out soon. I talked to Jeremy last night and he assured me that as soon as the debt for the CD Sampler is paid off, there will be a Meridians Divided full-length on the way. Of course we're excited. And by the sounds of it, so are you. We want to get it in your hot little hands quickly, so be patient. Thanks for stopping by. Rock and Roll, biatch!


Hey, how bout that show at the Fireside? Pretty good, huh? Ya, we try real hard to rock out for you guys. For those of you that missed it, well, I'm sorry. That's probably the best you'll ever see us. I think we can finally call it quits and give the critics what they've always wanted.

We'd really like to thank John of The Brokedowns. He organized a completely amazing show. It's such a refreshing breath of fresh air to be able to work with someone who returns your phone calls to confirm or "disconfirm" a show. I hope all the starving homeless in Elgin can finally eat. How much did we rake in? Wasn't it close to $1000?

Anyhow, it doesn't matter. You know were not about the money in this band. We just want to rock out and express our deepest emotions so everyone can laugh at us and call us a bunch of whiney biatches. Thanks again for showing up, j'all.

For more whinning in a portable audio format, send $4.75 ppd/ $6.75 world to 822 Murray in Elgin, IL 60123, USA.


We'd like to thank all the crazies that came to Courtfest and hooted and hollered after all our songs. You know who you are. It was great to have everyone there giving us the support we needed. We really wanted to give you guys a good show, and all your positive feedback was appreciated.

I'd personally like to thank the individual who handed me a replacement string after Please Keep Everything I Gave You. I'll keep that string, that's for sure. You Rule! However, the person to recieve most praise in our books is Courtney, for putting together another spectacular event. You deserve the banner more than anyone else even though you could get a headache from the spray-paint fumes.

As for the full length, not much is known yet, except that we are still down in the funds department. Hopefully, we'll get in touch with the "Record Executives" soon and work something out. It's looking like late December or early January. Relax, it will be here.

Lastly, go to the shows page and see where we are going to be next. It's not set in stone yet, but we're pretty sure that we're scheduled to play. Best of all, it's at our favorite place. Thanks for stopping by.


This is to whoever actually reads this thing. Don't miss the Courtfest shows this weekend. We are going to be debuting our new songs. I say that we will be debuting our new songs at Courtfest because when we "debuted" them at other shows I don't think anyone besides Courtney and Rick knew that they were new songs.

And, oh yes. Go to our guestbook and start a fight. Whoever starts the best one before the show tomorrow will get a little sumthin sumthin. So, "punch me in the nuts and win a prize". See you all later.


The musical portion of the NEW ALBUMMMMMMM was finished two weeks ago, but Ben has refused to take his turn on this little news page so no one would really know that, would they? Anyhow, we are just waiting for the go-ahead on the cover art from Will Not Clear Man. Apparently, funds have run a little dry because we took forever in the studio, and we're going to need a fundraiser to help get this thing out by Octover. If any die-hard fan wants to contribute their college loan to us you can do so by sending a check or money order to 822 Murray in Elgin, IL 60123! Thanks.

Other than that, we played a terribly crappy show in Lake Zurich just recently. Ben was sick so his voice was not as good as he wanted it to be. That, and he almost passed out after the show. Unfortunately (or fortunately), none of the people in Lake Zurich really appreciated it. What else can you expect from people whose musical tastes still rely on the same power-chords played in different progressions over and over. Yes, that's a slam.

However, in their defense, there were a full people sitting in the back who really enjoyed us, and I hope they can make it to CourtFest on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. We're bringing the rock as usual and we hope to surprise some people. Remember, it's Kittens and Bunnies' last show on the 23rd so bring your crutches. Bye.


We are so close! One more day and the musical portion of the new albumn will be done! We go back on Monday to record some back-ups, and mix! I'm completely excited, and last night only helped to confirm my belief that this will be one hell of an albumn.

In fact, I had a personal triumph last night as I actually belted out the vocals for Twenty-two Calendars without much of a problem. And then, I woke up today and felt like my life had been re-newed. I was born again and this whole world felt amazing and beautiful. I guess that's music for you.

On the more pessimistic side, my voice is kind of wrecked, and I can only guess at the pain Ben is in. If every muscle in his body doesn't hurt then he is superhuman for sure. Also, we had to leave early because the ADAT was eating the tape and Matt did not have a spare.

And we were hungry after all that too. So, we gorged ourselves at the Taste of Lebanon on vegetarian specials and spinach pies. I slept like a baby though.

"Where's your drummer?" you ask. Well, he decided not to come down and hang with us, but I'm sure he was very busy. Sam, if you're reading this, then I hope I pinched your pride a bit. Maybe you can show up on Monday around 2:30 and come mix this thing down with us. Adopt the habits of a farmer. "Early to bed, early to rise," and that makes the man what? If anyone has the answer to that question, then post it on the guestbook so you can feel knowledgeable and help Sam out at the same time.


Um...let's see. We are still recording for one thing. Benjamin and I will be going back to Atlas on Thursday and Friday to finish vocals and hopefully mix this whole thing down. We've decided that we're going to run the Will Not Clear Man label into the ground and force Chris and Jeremy to hang around The Manor with Drift and sell copies of our CD to strangers. Sorry guys, that was really not our intention.

The BBQ Show in Naperville was amazing and I think all of us had a good time. Thank you so very much Joe. You are honestly one of the nicest guys I've ever met and both your bands were rocking. Hopefully we can hook up on another one.

Last of all, we might be playing another shoe at Courtney's, but that's not entirely confirmed yet. It's supposedly Kittens and Bunnies' last show, so there will be plenty of crutches and splints on hand. Thanks for stopping bye.


Good grasshoppers! It's almost been a month now since we've told you anything about this little thing we call Meridians Divided. Well, it's been kind of busy lately with myself finishing up a summer of class, Ben writing away, and Sam working the Whole Foods racket like he's poor or something. Fortunately though, things are lining up and we're getting our act together.

First off, it is now official that we will be recording with Matt Alison at Atlas studios August 7th through the 9th. Originally, we were supposed to be recording July 21st, 22nd, and 25th, but Matt ditched us for some covert operation in Washington D.C. Our notice was recieved late so Ben, Lauren Hurd, and myself all sat outside the studio waiting for Sam to finish running two miles from work to the studio. Oh yes, it was fucked.

But all was not lost. The ever so famous Chicago cabby, John Polachek, gave Ben and I a private performance of his hit single, "Vanesa". It was amazing! And after the show I got to show him how to play a power chord. By, this time Sam showed up and almost died of a heart attack on the sidewalk. "She's electrifying!"

Anyhow. As some of you may know, the show in Woodstock was fun, but it was not without its problems. We arrived there around 7:00 to find out that the show had been over booked. There were actually TWO shows set up for ONE night, so that meant 8 bands were to play within four hours. On top of that, we were designated to play last. Possible? Maybe.

Well, it was done, but I think we made lots of enemies that night because we threw fits and spent lots of our time trying to get the other bands to cut their sets and screaming, "We want Meridians Divided!" By the end of it, we had almost an hour to play, but everyone had to leave because their rides were there. Thanks to all who stuck around. Oh ya, thanks Joe for leaving that note on our friends car, your sarcasm was very insightful.

That's about all for now. The Erudition Project comps are here and they feature bands such as: Standfast, Lyndal Control, and our friends, Seconds Seperate the Days. AND, if you haven't gotten one yet, we still have our CD Ep. If you want to see us rock out, go to the shows page and see what's going on. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.


our man Zach, out in Roy, Utah has sent the compilation record we will be appearing on....we cannot wait to get it so we can share it with all you fine folks...the song "minus 30" will be appearing on the record along with a handful of other wonderful bands from across the country..errr, i mean the WORLD!! check it out...we'll let you know when we get it...are ya'll saving your gas to come out to woooodstock at warp skate park on july 28th to rock out with us and skate yer little booties off??? i hope so...we will be just getting out of the studio, so we will have a multitude of new songs to tickle yer ears with...and rumor has it lauren hurd will be joining us...if you don't know what that means, go here and download the song "the first day of winter"'ll love it....for directions to the show, click here...speaking of recording, we are about to enter the studio with none other than matt allison behind the motherboard of controls to record the first ever meridians divided full length album...wowee..we sure are, just make sure you email,, and and remind them to practice the new songs before they go record...ok, that's all fer now..ya'll have one heck of a time with whatever it is you do..bye..oh yeah, one more thing, if you aren't on the mailing list yet..WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? go back to the home page and sign yer self up..bye bye cupcake.


Hello people...we are playing a show the 28th of july in woodstock...if you go here then you can get all the info...we are set to record the full length directly before we play that lets hope we don't kill eachother so we can still rock out in there are a few new mp3's should go check them out...just click here.....light bleu is on there, which is the song we just finished in the was that's about all for now...we'll be in touch...oh, and if you aren't on the mailing list yet, go to the main page and get on it....later.


Yes! I've played a show with five stitches in my hand! I guess we would've been better off playing the hardcore show at Dicky's. Well, there wasn't anything hardcore about my injured guitar playing. It was actually kind of stupid considering it hurt like a bastard trying to make a bar chord.

The show was amazing and I really have to give it up for the East-side kids who got together and organized a two-day festival of music. I can't recall the last time an undertaking of such a magnitude was ever attempted in our own hometown (no, I did'nt forget about Brian Peterson's Wonderland Ballroom extravaganza). We want to give out special props to Courtney and her family for putting up with all the noise and making us a part of something awesome!

Also, we'd like to thank Lauren Hurd for sitting in on another set! She's the girl who provided us with the beautiful violin accompaniment. She's back from school now and we plan on getting her in on more Meridians Divided hits. She's excited, were excited, wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? Anyway, she'll be doing some work with us on the new CD. Stop! I don't know when it's coming out yet, but it will come. We have a cover already created. It is an oil painting done by the most talanted, Adam Lux. If you want to settle your cravings for some more of that Meridians Divided sound, then you should buy our CD ep by sending $4.75 ppd to Meridians Divided at 822 Murray in Elgin, IL 60123, or you can keep a close watch on what's going on at WILL NOT CLEAR MAN.

At the moment, I'm trying to get pictures up of us from the Small Town Skates Shows. I've just got to get my arse to Kinko's so I can scan them. Our website is still jacked so I don't know how far I'll get in getting them uploaded (or downloaded, whatever).

Lastly, we don't have definite shows lined up yet, but there has been word of us appearing at warp Skate Park. Of course, we'll keep you posted. And, Jeff Kaslow has disappeared, so we might not have a new guitarist after all. But I'm out of school now, so I'm gonna see what happens. Thank you for stopping by and don't forget to check out the rest of this site. See you soon!


Ben's done with school. I'm almost out of school. And Sam's dropped out of school. So, for the most part, all the kids in the Meridians Divided crew are out of school. Although, I've got summer school to attend, but maybe there will still be time for us to rock out for everyone.

"But what about Jeff Kaslow?" you ask. Well, to tell you the truth, none of us have heard from Jeff in two weeks. I'm scared he's fallen off the face of the earth. Sam asked the other day, "So, does Jeff just want us to put his name on the albumn?"

"Ya, I guess," was my addition, "and after that we can put, 'special paranormal appearance'." . So, Jeff, if you're out there, GET A HOLD OF US!!"

Anyhow, we're all excited about ElginFest and we can't wait to bring the rock. Remember! We're playing Courtfest on the 3rd, but don't forget about the hardcore experience on the 2nd. AND, we're going back into the studio on the 6th to put down the vocals for the WILL NOT CLEAR MAN sampler. That's about all for now. Thanks for checking us out. Bye


I think the question of the week is...why do we write in third person on here? I don't know either. But anyhoo, the show last night was stupendous. Furnace St. is simply amazing. You need to go get their Ladykiller lp. Go here and follow the appropriate link to get it. Over & at it's best. Us and Over & Over will be entering Atlas Studios tomorrow with Matt Allison to record one song apiece for a sampler that will be free from WILL NOT CLEAR MAN. Next show for us will probably be elgin fest which will consist of two days of rock 'n roll. The first being june 2nd at dickson's house which will be predominately hard core for all you metal heads, and the second being sat, june 3rd at court's house which will be pop, for the rest of the POPulation-which we will be playing, and most likely Furnace St. will too. So there.


Rob called Jeff Kaslow last night and confirmed the rumor that Jeff will be joining Meridians Divided! Who knows how long he'll stick around once he discovers what the Divided crew is all about, but for now an amazing guitarist has graced our presence and he's very excited. We are too!


Our first show at Small Town Skates was so much fun! Rob and Sam were in the pit during Kittens and Bunnies, and Sam wrestled Jose and some others for Dickies hat! Thanks Jay for letting us bring the rock, and thanks to Kittens and Bunnies, The Buzz Spectors and Deep for hanging out and listening to us. And thanks to everyone that came out. It was nice to see all our friends in one place watching us do what we love to do.

During the past week there was a controversy between The Super 18 and us. Rob said a little something about The Super 18 on the Defeated Records guestbook to which Joe C from The Super 18 responded to, and then Rob wrote a nasty letter back (which Ben and Rob made a flyer out of at 3 in the morning) and the fists kept on flying after that. However, things were soon settled by the end of the week with Rob and Joe hashing it out. It was a crazy mess, but a show with The Super 18 might come from it. Who knows?

Not much else to report except that there has really been no word on whether or not the magnificent Jeff Kaslow will be joining the MD ranks, but that's mostly because no one has talked to Jeff and Jeff has not talked to us. We just have to be more sociable. I'm sure that everyone can tell by the fact that we play a show once every year that we don't get out much. That's soon to change hopefully.

Oh, before we go. Meridians Divided is going to record May 3rd for Jeremy Hansen and Chris Perrin's Will Not Clear Man sampler. It should be a good time and we hope that we can bring the best and newest rock that we can offer. That should be coming out in the summer so keep your eyes peeled. We'll try and keep everyone infromed.

If you have any questions, just e-mail them to Remember, we have a CD ep that you can get at shows or by sending $4.75 ppd to 822 Murray Ave. Elgin, IL 60123. If you write a check, make it payable to Benjamin Robert Belick, and if you pay with cash hide it well. Thanks for stopping by.


During the past couple of weeks, we made a screen for t-shirts and we even tried it out. Some of them turned out awesome but others suffered the same fate as Rob's grey hoody. We just need to get the process down. It's our first time making shirts. We had a lot of practice with the CD covers, but this seems a little harder. Anyway, we'll actually have some decent merch(ooo, now we're rock-stars because we can use the word "merch.") to sell at the shows now. We've got the new songs down. And when we say down, we mean DOOOWWWWNNNN!!! There should be some serious NEW rock as well as old at the shows coming up(see the shows page)!!!! Other than that, we look forward to seeing everyone at the shows in St. Charles, IL at SMALL TOWN SKATES!!! Thanks for stopping by.


Looks like Meridians Divided has a couple of shows coming up! We haven't put it all on the shows page yet because we are seeing about a few other bands, but the dates to look out for are: SATURDAY, APRIL 29th and SATURDAY, MAY 6th!!! Both shows will be at place called SMALL TOWN SKATES in ST. CHARLES, IL!!! No info yet on when the shows will start, but, of course, we will keep you all informed.

We have been practicing at Sam's apartment in Chicago lately, and things are going great despite rush hour traffic drives into the city, pedestrians chasing the green machine and yelling obscenities at us while they threaten our lives, and Ben's car suffering a hit and run. But let me tell you about songs! They're coming quick and coming great! The new CD is gonna rock so hard that we all just might quit our day jobs and start doing coke.

We'd like to thank Adam and Rachel for putting up with the noise and their supportive natures (and the fact that I probably just mispelled their names). They are the most gracious of hosts by going to get our drinks and burritos while they stop at the Thirft Store and buy us shirts. A funner time could not be had without them there.

Also, we might have a new addition to the band. His name is Jeff Kaslow and he'll be replacing the second guitarist we never had. If you who saw The Shoulder Hoppers on March, 29th at the last show at The Bait Shop (thanks Elliot)then you got a taste of what he can do. He's gonna make me look like the standard Punk Rock guitarist that I really am. Too bad he CAN'T hackey-sack.

AND YES! DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE NEW CD EP THAT IS AVAILABLE NOW!!! You know the one. That record we had been working on for almost a year?! Well, you can get a copy by sending your request to: 822 MURRAY...ELGIN, IL 60123 USA...make checks payable to bEn BeLIcK or hide those green backs so no down-on-his-luck postal worker ganks em so he can buy his big mac meal deal. I hope you're doing as well as you can. Bye.


well, i guess this will be the first news entry on this page. so, what's there really to say? no shows, a few new songs, alot of discontentment, a cd ep, and a record deal. yeah, we have a cdep now. four songs for 4.75ppd/6.75world. we should have the sound up soon so you can get a sneak peak. send all orders to 822 murray...elgin, iL 60123...usa...make checks payable to ben belick or send well concealed cash or whatever.

so yeah, we have a record deal now too, i guess. the label will be named at a later date, but we are shooting to have things pretty much together by the summer for everyone to chip in their few bucks for a copy. besides that, nothing else going on. no shows as of yet, and we are going to write many new songs if we practice. well, until next time, bye.