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Artimecia (Curl) Mills


Artimecia Curl who married William Mills, son of Nathan, had a brother named Frank, and a sister named Tossie. William Mills came to Illinois in 1860, and died less than four years later. He was affiliated with the old Whig party, and was a member of the Christian church.

Frank Curl: Member of Christian church, and assisted in the operation of the homestead farm. It consisted of 94 acres of land, and he had it in excellant condition.

Tossie Curl: Married Dickerson Wood, who was engaged in farming with frank and he also resided with them. Mr. Wood was born in Texas twnshp. His parents were John and Susan (Norris) Wood, who lived in Texas twnshp. as farmers. Both Tossie and Dickerson belonged to the Christian church, and he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1. Lloyd (12/1/1894-?) 2. Bruce C. (10/9/1898-?) 3. Marguerite (2/26/1901-?)

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