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Breesy DeBrack


some more Celtic music for your pleasure

Breesy DeBrack is no longer with me. She is seeking her fortune elsewhere with another spirit.



There are two areas of spells that bards are allowed to learn, those two being the Minor Elemental spell circle and the Bard Spell Circle.

Minor Elemental Spells:

Elemental Defense - whenever this is cast, silvery protection is put on the wearer

Presence - I don't remember what this does. I'll find out and get back to it later

Lock Pick Enhancement - a spell that is cast on the lockpicker, enhancing his/her chances of getting the lock disarmed


Bard Spells:

Holding Song - Using the forces of air and vibration, this song will lower a single foe's ability to defend by 10 percent

Vibration Chant - With this chant, a bard can find the exact pitch needed to make an object unstable, and then focus the sound energy upon a target. This will cause an object held by the target to vibrate free from the holder's grasp. Occasionally, the bard will achieve perfect resonance, causing the object to explode

Fortitude Song - Through the aid of music and magic, a bard singing this song bolsters his defensive ability by 10

Purification Song - While singing this song, the bard can direct the resulting sonic vibrations across the surface of a gem, removing blemishes and impurities in the process. This spell increases a gem by 10 percent each time it is sung. The spell stops when caster runs out of mana points, stops the song or the song fails to improve the gem on a round. There is sometimes a small chance of a failure ending in damage or destruction of the gem. It may also create an embeddable gem or a gem usable in the recharging process

Lullabye - I don't really know what this spell does. I'm going to assume that it puts the target to sleep or something close to it.



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Stablegirl's Lair - very pretty art clips

A very BIG thank you for the art clips provided from