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Curriculum Project


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Curriculum development or revision is a response to identified needs.  Methods of identifying needs may be qualitative or quantitative, or a combination.  Students are expected to define a method for conducting data to assess current conditions. Data should be analyzed to define the current need.

Data sources may include existing documents such as school report cards and other local school or district data.  Students may conduct their own needs assessment, if desired.

The purpose of this page is to provide the reader with an narrative overview of this unit.  The statement of needs is generally a few paragraphs.  The Statement of Needs, will clearly respond to the items listed below, however, the writer need not consider these a template.
  1. What needs does this unit address?
  2. How were the needs determined?
  3. What data sources provide evidence?
  4. What process was used to collect needs assessment data?
  5. Why is this unit being developed?
    • Though the writer could state that this unit is developed to fulfill the course requirements, there are many more reasons that this unit is beneficial to the world educational community.  Remember, this will be on the web, accessible to the world.
  6. Who will use it? (What is the target audience:  3rd grade math, adult ESL...)
  7. How does it differ from other existing instructional resources?
  8. What is the philosophical and theoretical basis for the unit?  (based on text)