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Curriculum Project

Student section

(written TO and FOR students to use independently)

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Save as:  studentsection

The student section is to be developed for student use and be built around Internet webpages/websites.

Design interdisciplinary projects/activities that integrate the Internet
  • Where possible, activities are to support multiple subjects. 
  • When providing links to on-line student activities, explain the purpose of the activity prior to offering the link.
  • Design the lessons to assure that students are using the website and not merely "visiting" it.
  • Include an appropriate number of lessons to achieve the unit goals specified Generally, 3-5 lessons will be appropriate, though the student should evaluate if the lessons provided are sufficient to assure that students achieve the specified goals.  The project will be evaluated to determine integrity between goals, objectives, activities, and assessment.
    Introduce and organize content in an appropriate manner for the target audience
  • Content information is presented appropriately on line, using a combination of  personally generated activities and Internet websites. 
  • Websites are linked logically into the lessons. 
  • The lessons are not merely on-line text and worksheet format.

  • Emphasize higher order thinking skills
    The student section should be built to reflect Bloom's Taxonomy and will include activities to foster higher order thinking.
    Use appropriate design principles
  • Readability: (font style and size, color, background, and graphics, if  used, are appropriate for the anticipated age level) 
  • Wide margins for all
  • 18 point for primary, 16 point for Grades 4-9; 14 Grade 10 & up 
  • Visual appeal in design, color, and style
  • Easy use and logical navigation
  • Develop and link to an on-line assessment  Include at least one on-line test.  First, apply to use the free on-line QuizCenter test development tool . After a few days the QuizCenter will send you an email with your password.
    You may then login to the QuizCenter site. Once logged-in to the QuizCenter website, follow the directions for creating and saving the assessment provided. You may wish to print them.
    If unable to join the QuizCenter, you may subscribe to another on-line quiz service of your choice, AFTER RECEIVING APPROVAL FROM THE INSTRUCTOR.