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National College of Education

Chicago 83 M.Ed. Cohort

Term II Syllabus




Students who successfully complete this term will receive credit for the following courses:

CIC529 - Curriculum and Instruction II: Analysis and Application (3 SH)

Extend and apply conceptual frameworks of curriculum and instruction to more focused areas of study. These areas may occur in special topics or themes such as assessment, grouping practices/tracking, inclusion, integrative curriculum, or technology; concentrated research and application in selected content areas; and/or exploration of primary, intermediate, middle, secondary, and/or adult levels as contexts for curriculum and instruction.

CIC591 – Field Study/Curriculum and Instruction (3 SH)

Field study provides you with an opportunity for an organized exploration of a relevant topic, issue, or problem related to your current field of work: i.e., classroom, school, or district. You are encouraged to work with colleagues on site to pursue your exploration.

CIL531 – Cross Cultural Education (3 SH)

Discuss the role of culture in the American educational system and how individual and cultural differences (ethnolinguistics, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ability) contribute to the cultural dynamics of the classroom. You examine behavior expectations and learning styles of students of different cultural backgrounds as well as how teacher expectations can affect perceptual judgments of individual students. Suggestions are also given on how to promote learning through effective multicultural classroom management.

ESR511 – Action Research II: Ways of Knowing (3 SH)

This course focuses on teachers as researchers in order to help you experience your classroom as a synamic place of interaction, inquiry, and reflection. You identify and critique relevant literature as you conduct an action research project. Through recursive cycles of planning, implementing, observing, reading, conversing with colleagues, and interpreting, you analyze your data as a means to make meaning of classroom experience.

TERM II - Preliminary Topic Outline

How Students Acquire and Integrate Knowledge (4 weeks)

Intelligence (2-3 weeks)

Instructional Planning (4 weeks)

Instructional Practices (4 weeks)

Assessment (2-3 weeks)


Grading Criteria – To be provided

Due Dates – To be provided


CLASS TEXTS (to be provided by NLU upon request of the instructor)

ASCD. Educational Leadership.

Banks, J. and Cherry Banks (1996). Multicultural Education.

Beane, J. A. (1997). Curriculum Integration: Designing the Core of Democratic Education. Teachers College Press. New York.

Dewey, J. The Child and the Curriculum.

Joyce, B and Marsha Weil (1996). Models of Teaching, 5th Edition. Allyn & Bacon. Boston.

Meier, Deborah (1995). The Power of Their Ideas. Beacon Press. Boston.

Schmuck and Schmuck. Group Process and Group Dynamics.