Paula competed in the 100m, 200m, and 300m. She earned a Bronze, a Silver, and a Gold medal in that order. Not bad at all for a first time skater.
Paula receiving her 300m Award. She has on at least one other medal.
Danielle and Jeramey returned to the Centennial Snowshoeing team. They were initially joined by three others, but two backed out after names were drawn and Ashlee didn't get pulled.
Both Jer and Danielle ran their fastest races in the 200m prelims. Unfortunatley, Danielle was placed in a division that she had no chance of winning. I did protest the division, but was accused of trying to get an automatic gold for my athlete. I never want any of my athletes to be given a gold medal. I want my athletes to have a fair chance at winning by hard work.
Jer, who, for various reasons, isn't fast, ended up in a division of one. In the four non-practice races he ran this year, his final 200m is the only one where he fell. He was almost to the finish line, so he gave up on using his ski pole and carefully walked the last ten meters. During practice, he had been taking about a minute to stand up again once he'd fallen. Not this time! Jer quickly got up and finished!
Athletes did not get to compete this year because where we go for snowshoeing also holds an Alpine skiing qualifier. Due to warm weather, Snowstar was closed so names had to be pulled from a hat for both Alpine and Snowshoeing.
So, Jer and Danielle qualified in their 200m (a new event for Jer) because our relay was pulled. Jer also was able to compete in his 50m since he was pulled for that.
Like Speed Skating races, Danielle and Jeramey had to run prelim races to determine their division. Jer went first with his 50m prelim. He was 4th in a division of 5. When they raced, the athlete who came in with the slowest time zoomed ahead of everyone else to win. Another athlete tried to stay with fastest and came in second. The other three, including Jer, were much behind and in a close race that opened up at the finish line. Jer ended up in 5th place.
Jer was a few steps behind at the half-way mark.
At the top of the photo, you can see Iowa. Yes, that is a
So, Danielle ended up with a Bronze medal and I'm very proud of her because she never gave up, even when the other two athletes in her division had crossed the finish line well ahead of her.
Danielle, far left, crossing the finish line.
Danielle, on right, receiving her medal
Jer heading for the finish line in his Prelim race.
Jeramey finishes his 200m race
Paula 100m Bronze 200m Silver 300m Gold Danielle 200m Bronze Jeramey 50m 5th 200m 2:28 Gold
Last updated: 16 May 2006