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Pediatric Neuropsychology In Israel

For TOVA administrations for children, please contact Aya Gal at Hadassah-University Hospital Neurology Department (677-6937). For CCPT administrations, please contact the Pediatric Neuropsychology Service at Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital. Posted September 20, 2006.

An excellent web resource for all aspects of pediatric neuropsychology, especially ADHD, is to be found on the web site of Dr. Sam Goldstein. The URL is, logically enough, I also had the pleasure of attending one of his workshops at the 2002 National Academy of Neuropsychology meeting in Miami and would like to invite him to give workshops in Israel. Any centers interested in participating are asked to contact me directly. Posted December 7, 2002

A seminar on the NEPSY (Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment Battery) sponsored by the Israel Child Neuropsychology Society was held at Sha'arei Tzedek Medical Center's Pediatric Neuropsychology Service on November 10, 1998. To obtain copies of the hand-outs describing the battery, its subtests, and what it attempts to measure, send a large self-addressed, stamped envelope to Dr. Judi Guedalia at the address listed on the Service Providers page. Additionally, Dr. Guedalia and Dr. Sadeh of Schneider Hospital are interested in formulating a standardized Hebrew-language version of the battery. Contact them if you are interested in participating. Posted November 10, 1998.

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