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301. Onset and time course of antidepressant action: Psychopharmacological implications of a controlled trial of electroconvulsive therapy.
By Segman, Ronnen H.; Shapira, Baruch; Gorfine, Malka; Lerer, Bernard
Psychopharmacology 1995 Jun Vol 119(4) 440-448
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302. Couples and gender relationship: A sample of melanoma patients and their spouses.
By Baider, Lea; Perry, Shlomit; Holland, Jimmie C.; Sison, Antonio; et al
Family Systems Medicine 1995 Spr Vol 13(1) 69-77
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303. The social networks of elderly immigrants: An analytic typology.
By Litwin, Howard
Journal of Aging Studies 1995 Sum Vol 9(2) 155-174
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304. The influence of quantity of information and goal framing on decision.
By Ganzach, Yoav; Schul, Yaacov
Acta Psychologica 1995 Jun Vol 89(1) 23-36
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305. Delirium associated with mianserin.
By Bonne, Omer; Shalev, Arieh Y.; Bloch, Miki
European Neuropsychopharmacology 1995 Jun Vol 5(2) 147-149
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306. Integrating and preserving a different culture after acquisition.
By Weber, Yaakov; Ganzach, Yoav; Ben-Yemini, Haim
International Journal of Conflict Management 1995 Apr Vol 6(2) 192-210
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307. / School principal burnout: The concept and its components.
By Friedman, Isaac A.
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 122-135
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308. / Evaluating reading acquisition methods: The case of "reading without a basal reader".
By Kozminsky, Ely; Tov-Li, Esther
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 94-121
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309. / Ability grouping and mathematical achievement in junior high schools in Israel.
By Cahan, Sorel; Linchevski, Liora; Igra, Na'ama
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 76-93
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310. / Factors in the willingness of female commuters to extend commuting time or distance.
By Pazy, Asya; Pintzov, Tovi; Salomon, Ilan
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 51-75
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311. / Gender differences and predictors of suicide among one-time and repeated suicide attempters in Israel.
By Katz-Sheiban, Bracha
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 29-50
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312. / Collectivistic and individualistic motives of young volunteers: The case of Israeli Kibbutz youth.
By Avrahami, Arza; Dar, Yechezkel
Megamot 1995 Nov Vol 37(1-2) 5-28
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313. Agitation among elderly persons at adult day-care centers: The experiences of relatives and staff members.
By Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Werner, Paula; Watson, Valerie; Pasis, Sonia
International Psychogeriatrics 1995 Fal Vol 7(3) 447-458
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314. Intensive holding environment in a therapeutic community.
By Ross, Tzila; Schneider, Stanley; Li-Dar, Esti; Lachs, Nicky
Therapeutic Communities: International Journal for Therapeut 1995 Win Vol 16(4) 253-262
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315. Geographic mobility and religioethnic identification: Three Jewish communities in the United States.
By Rebhun, Uzi
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 1995 Dec Vol 34(4) 485-498
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316. Parental views of popularity and stress among adolescents.
By Tatar, Moshe
Journal of Adolescence 1995 Dec Vol 18(6) 679-686
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317. The Hebbian paradigm reintegrated: Local reverberations as internal representations.
By Amit, Daniel J.
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 1995 Dec Vol 18(4) 617-657
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318. Hypnotic analgesia and reflex activity.
By Sharav, Yair; Tal, Michael
Pain 1995 Dec Vol 63(3) 391
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319. Circadian melatonin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, prolactin, and cortisol levels in serum of young adults with autism.
By Nir, Isaac; Meir, Daniel; Zilber, Neli; Knobler, Haim; Hadjez, Jacques; Lerner, Yaacov
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 1995 Dec Vol 25(6) 641-654
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320. Value priorities and readiness for out-group social contact.
By Sagiv, Lilach; Schwartz, Shalom H.
Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 1995 Sep Vol 69(3) 437-448
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321. Rethinking and reconceptualizing risk in foreign policy decision-making: A sociocognitive approach.
By Vertzberger, Yaacov Y. I.
Political Psychology 1995 Jun Vol 16(2) 347-380
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322. The uniqueness of mother^own-infant interactions.
By Kaitz, Marsha; Zvi, Hila; Levy, Miko; Berger, Anna; et al
Infant Behavior & Development 1995 Apr-Jun Vol 18(2) 247-252
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323. The impact of extramarital relationships on the continuation of marriages.
By Charny, Israel W.; Parnass, Sivan
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 1995 Sum Vol 21(2) 100-115
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324. Value priorities and religiosity in four Western religions.
By Schwartz, Shalom H.; Huismans, Sipke
Social Psychology Quarterly 1995 Jun Vol 58(2) 88-107
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325. "Unite Unite Europe": The political and cultural structures of Europe as reflected in the Eurovision Song Contest.
By Yair, Gad
Social Networks 1995 Apr Vol 17(2) 147-161
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326. The elasticity of the law: Treating girls in distress in Israel through the shadow of the law.
By Ajzenstadt, Mimi; Steinberg, Odeda
British Journal of Criminology 1995 Spr Vol 35(2) 236-247
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327. Outcomes of cataract surgery in nursing home residents.
By Marx, Marcia S.; Werner, Perla; Billig, Nathan; Watson, Valerie J.; et al
Psychosomatics 1995 May-Jun Vol 36(3) 254-261
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328. Social distance and charisma: Theoretical notes and an exploratory study.
By Shamir, Boas
Leadership Quarterly 1995 Spr Vol 6(1) 19-47
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329. Transitions between modes of inquiry in a rule discovery task.
By Halberstadt, Naftali; Kareev, Yaakov
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Experime 1995 May Vol 48A(2) 280-295
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330. Validity of the Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT): Relationships with functional tasks.
By Hartman-Maeir, Adina; Katz, Noomi
American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1995 Jun Vol 49(6) 507-516
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331. Dimensions of dysfunctional attitudes as vulnerabilities to depressive symptoms.
By Brown, Gary P.; Hammen, Constance L.; Craske, Michelle G.; Wickens, Thomas D.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1995 Aug Vol 104(3) 431-435
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332. Authoritarianism in Israeli society.
By Rubinstein, Gidi
Journal of Social Psychology 1995 Apr Vol 135(2) 237-249
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333. The effects of accessibility of standards and decision framing on product evaluations.
By Schul, Yaacov; Ganzach, Yoav
Journal of Consumer Psychology 1995 Vol 4(1) 61-83
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334. Changing of the guards: Teacher^student interaction in the intifada.
By Yair, Gad; Khatab, Nabil
Sociology of Education 1995 Apr Vol 68(2) 99-115
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335. Abnormal oral sensory perception in patients with a history of anorexia nervosa and the relationship between physiological and psychological improvement in this disease.
By Berry, Elliot M.; Fried, Sima; Edelstein, E. L.
Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1995 Vol 63(1) 32-37
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336. On the costs and benefits of ignorance: How performance satisfaction is affected by knowing the standard prior to performance.
By Schul, Yaacov; Schiff, Miriam
Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin 1995 May Vol 21(5) 491-501
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337. The relation of locus of control and social support to life-cycle related needs of widows.
By Lowenstein, Ariela; Rosen, Aaron
International Journal of Aging & Human Development 1995 Vol 40(2) 103-123
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338. Secrets and reasons for secrecy among school-aged children: Developmental trends and gender differences.
By Last, Uriel; Aharoni-Etzioni, Ahuva
Journal of Genetic Psychology 1995 Jun Vol 156(2) 191-203
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339. Positive bias in the perception of corvariation.
By Kareev, Yaakov
Psychological Review 1995 Jul Vol 102(3) 490-502
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340. Attribute scatter and decision outcome: Judgment versus choice.
By Ganzach, Yoav
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes 1995 Apr Vol 62(1) 113-122
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341. Effects of task and ego achievement goals on help-seeking behaviors and attitudes.
By Butler, Ruth; Neuman, Orna
Journal of Educational Psychology 1995 Jun Vol 87(2) 261-271
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342. Teaching by examples: The case of number series.
By Kareev, Yaakov; Avrahami, Judith
British Journal of Psychology 1995 Feb Vol 86(1) 41-54
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343. Ethnic and minority groups in Israel: Challenges for social work theory, value and practice.
By Jaffe, Eliezer David
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare 1995 Mar Vol 22(1) 149-171
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344. Interrelatedness of marital relations and parent^child relations: A meta-analytic review.
By Erel, Osnat; Burman, Bonnie
Psychological Bulletin 1995 Jul Vol 118(1) 108-132
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345. "It is futile to trust in man": Methodological difficulties in studying non-mainstream populations with reference to Ethiopian Jews in Israel.
By Weil, Shalva
Human Organization 1995 Spr Vol 54(1) 1-9
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346. Antidepressant and cognitive effects of twice- versus three-times-weekly ECT.
By Lerer, Bernard; Shapira, Baruch; Calev, Avraham; Tubi, Nurith; et al
American Journal of Psychiatry 1995 Apr Vol 152(4) 564-570
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347. Multiplicities and uncertainties of gender: "Analysis of a case of transsexualism": Reply to Chodorow.
By Stein, Ruth
Psychoanalytic Dialogues 1995 Vol 5(2) 301-310
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348. Analysis of a case of transsexualism.
By Stein, Ruth
Psychoanalytic Dialogues 1995 Vol 5(2) 257-289
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349. Organized crime and violence.
By Amir, Menachem
Studies on Crime & Crime Prevention 1995 Vol 4(1) 86-104
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350. Effects of estradiol and tamoxifen on feeding, fattiness, and some endocrine criteria in hypothalamic obese hens.
By Jaccoby, S.; Arnon, E.; Snapir, N.; Robinzon, B.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 1995 Jan Vol 50(1) 55-63
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351. Low doses of anandamides inhibit pharmacological effects of !D-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
By Fride, E.; Barg, J.; Levy, R.; Saya, D.; et al
Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics 1995 Feb Vol 272(2) 699-707
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352. Generalization of the orienting response to significant stimuli: The roles of common and distinctive stimulus components.
By Ben-Shakhar, Gershon; Gati, Itamar; Salamon, Noa
Psychophysiology 1995 Jan Vol 32(1) 36-42
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353. An indicator model of drug use in Israel.
By Beenstock, Michael
Addiction 1995 Mar Vol 90(3) 425-433
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354. Applying decision theory to career counseling practice: The sequential elimination approach.
By Gati, Itamar; Fassa, Naomi; Houminer, Daphna
Career Development Quarterly 1995 Mar Vol 43(3) 211-220
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355. Religious socialization and female subjectivity: Religious-Zionist adolescent girls in Israel.
By Rapoport, Tamar; Garb, Yoni; Penso, Anat
Sociology of Education 1995 Jan Vol 68(1) 48-61
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356. Discharge-ready patients who remain hospitalized: A re-emerging problem for mental health services.
By Aviram, Uri; Minsky, Shula; Smoyak, Shirley A.; Gubman-Riesser, Gayle D.
Psychiatric Quarterly 1995 Spr Vol 66(1) 63-85
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357. The helper-therapy principle as it applies to men who had absentee fathers.
By Shor, Ron
Families in Society 1995 Feb Vol 76(2) 97-102
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358. Activating response codes by stimuli in the neglected visual field.
By Cohen, Asher; Ivry, Richard B.; Rafal, Robert D.; Kohn, Carolyn
Neuropsychology 1995 Apr Vol 9(2) 165-173
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359. Absence of reduced platelet adenylate cyclase activity in Vietnam veterans with PTSD.
By Kohn, Yoav; Newman, Michael E.; Lerer, Bernard; Orr, Scott P.
Biological Psychiatry 1995 Feb Vol 37(3) 205-208
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360. The possibility of conversation.
By Gurevitch, Zali
Sociological Quarterly 1995 Win Vol 36(1) 97-109
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361. Maternal smoking during pregnancy: Social, medical, and legal perspectives on the conception of a human being.
By Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna
Health Care for Women International 1995 Jan-Feb Vol 16(1) 57-73
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362. Assessment of disruptive behavior/agitation in the elderly: Function, methods, and difficulties.
By Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry & Neurology 1995 Jan Vol 8(1) 52-60
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363. Weight concerns and dieting behaviors among high school girls in Israel.
By Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne; Palti, Hava; Butler, Ruth
Journal of Adolescent Health 1995 Jan Vol 16(1) 53-59
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364. Quarrel involvement of school-aged children: Gender differences, age trends, and school adjustment correlates.
By Last, Uriel; Avital, Dafna
Journal of Genetic Psychology 1995 Mar Vol 156(1) 87-96
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365. Information cues and indicators of the climate of opinion: The spiral of silence theory in the Intifada.
By Shamir, Jacob
Communication Research 1995 Feb Vol 22(1) 24-53
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366. Dynamics of neuronal interactions in monkey cortex in relation to behavioural events.
By Vaadia, E.; Haalman, I.; Abeles, M.; Bergman, H.
Nature 1995 Feb Vol 373(6514) 515-518
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367. On detecting nonlinear noncompensatory judgment strategies: Comparison of alternative regression models.
By Ganzach, Yoav; Czaczkes, Benjamin
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes 1995 Feb Vol 61(2) 168-176
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368. Significance tests die hard: The amazing persistence of a probabilistic misconception.
By Falk, Ruma; Greenbaum, Charles W.
Theory & Psychology 1995 Feb Vol 5(1) 75-98
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369. Gender differences in career decision making: The content and structure of preferences.
By Gati, Itamar; Osipow, Samuel H.; Givon, Michal
Journal of Counseling Psychology 1995 Apr Vol 42(2) 204-216
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370. Identifying culture-specifics in the content and structure of values.
By Schwartz, Shalom H.; Sagiv, Lilach
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1995 Jan Vol 26(1) 92-116
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371. The right of silence: A socio-pragmatic model of interpretation.
By Kurzon, Dennis
Journal of Pragmatics 1995 Jan Vol 23(1) 55-69
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372. Message framing and buying behavior: A field experiment.
By Ganzach, Yoav; Karsahi, Nili
Journal of Business Research 1995 Jan Vol 32(1) 11-17
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373. Semantic processing and memory for attended and unattended words in dichotic listening: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.
By Bentin, Shlomo; Kutas, Marta; Hillyard, Steven A.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Perfo 1995 Feb Vol 21(1) 54-67
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374. For doctors' eyes only: Medical records in two Israeli hospitals.
By Weiss, Meira
Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 1997 Sep Vol 21(3) 283-302
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375. Identification and reporting of maltreated children by teachers in Israel.
By Shor, Ron
Early Child Development & Care 1997 Vol 134 61-73
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376. Grammatical deficits in German and English: A crosslinguistic study of children with specific language impairment.
By Roberts, Stephanie S.; Leonard, Laurence B.
First Language 1997 Jun Vol 17(50, Pt 2) 131-150
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377. Does prenatal stress impair coping and regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis?
By Weinstock, Marta
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 1997 Vol 21(1) 1-10
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378. Support network type and health service utilization.
By Litwin, Howard
Research on Aging 1997 Sep Vol 19(3) 274-299
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379. The effects of intercultural acquaintance and structured intergroup interaction on ingroup, outgroup, and reflected ingroup stereotypes.
By Horenczyk, Gabriel; Bekerman, Zvi
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 1997 Feb Vol 21(1) 71-83
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380. Factors related to congruence between social worker and client problem definitions in an acute care hospital.
By Auslander, Gail K.; Itzik, Dvorah
Journal of Social Service Research 1997 Vol 22(4) 19-38
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381. A psychodynamic hermeneutic of the fall story: Genesis 2:25-3:24: Through a psychological lens.
By Ellens, J. Harold.
Pastoral Psychology 1997 Jan Vol 45(3) 221-236
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382. Intracerebral administration of Mycoplasma fermentans produces sickness behavior: Role of prostaglandins.
By Yirmiya, Raz; Barak, Ohr; Avitsur, Ronit; Gallily, Ruth; et al
Brain Research 1997 Feb Vol 749(1) 71-81
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383. HIV care for Ethiopian immigrants in an Israeli family practice.
By Knishkowy, Barry; Edman, Richard; Maayan, Shlomo; Rosenwein, Hagit; Naveh, Pnina
Families, Systems & Health 1996 Mar Vol 14(1) 73-81
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384. Conceptualization of agitation: Results based on the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory and the Agitation Behavior Mapping Instrument.
By Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska
International Psychogeriatrics 1996 Vol 8(Suppl 3) 309-315, 519
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385. From mothering to othering: Organization, culture, and nap time in a Japanese day-care center.
By Ben-Ari, Eyal
Ethos 1996 Mar Vol 24(1) 136-164
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386. Ego and self in the group.
By Erlich, H. Shmuel
Group Analysis 1996 Jun Vol 29(2) 229-243
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387. Girls' experiences of artistic ambition: The voices of a religious Zionist and a kibbutznik.
By Rapoport, Tamar; Penso, Anat; Halbertal, Tova
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 1996 Jan Vol 24(4) 438-461
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388. Psychoanalytic aspect of aesthetic experience. / Psychoanalytic aspect of aesthetic experience.
By Priel, B.
Sihot/Dialogue: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy 1995 Nov Vol 10(1) 54-59
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389. The termination in short-term dynamic therapy and the therapist's personal termination phase in short-term dynamic psychotherapy. / The termination in short-term dynamic therapy and the therapist's personal termination phase in short-term dynamic psychot herapy.
By Noy-Sharav, D.
Sihot/Dialogue: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy 1995 Nov Vol 10(1) 13-19
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390. Monitoring one's own knowledge during study: A cue-utilization approach to judgments of learning.
By Koriat, Asher
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1997 Dec Vol 126(4) 349-370
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391. Longitudinal weight changes, length of survival, and energy requirements of long term care residents with dementia.
By Wang, San Y.; Fukagawa, Naomi; Hossain, Monir; Ooi, Wee L.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1997 Oct Vol 45(10) 1189-1195
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392. Jerusalem, religious awakenings and schizophrenia.
By Schneider, Stanley
Group Analysis 1997 Sep Vol 30(3) 379-393
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393. Prevalence of behavior disorder and disturbance to family and staff in a sample of adult day health care clients.
By Teresi, Jeanne A.; Holmes, Douglas; Dichter, Elizabeth; Koren, Mary Jane; Ramirez, Mildred; Fairchild, Susan
Gerontologist 1997 Oct Vol 37(5) 629-639
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394. The therapist's subjective appraisal and acceptance of multidimensional reality in the therapeutic work.
By Yerushalmi, Hanoch
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 1997 Fal Vol 27(3) 225-237
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395. Tolerating battering: Invisible methods of social control.
By Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera
International Review of Victimology 1997 Vol 5(1) 1-21
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396. Separation as a new animal model for self-induced weight loss.
By van Leeuwen, Sonja D.; Bonne, Omer B.; Avraham, Yosefa; Berry, Elliot M.
Physiology & Behavior 1997 Jul Vol 62(1) 77-81
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397. Prenatal morphine enhances morphine-conditioned place preference in adult rats.
By Gagin, R.; Kook, N.; Cohen, E.; Shavit, Y.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 1997 Oct Vol 58(2) 525-528
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398. Effect of prenatal stress on opioid component of exploration in different experimental situations.
By Poltyrev, Tatyana; Weinstock, Marta
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 1997 Oct Vol 58(2) 387-393
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399. Prenatal exposure to morphine feminizes male sexual behavior in the adult rat.
By Gagin, R.; Cohen, E.; Shavit, Y.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 1997 Oct Vol 58(2) 345-348
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400. Predicting beliefs about wife beating among engaged Arab men in Israel.
By Haj-Yahia, Muhammad M.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 1997 Aug Vol 12(4) 530-545
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