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Northeastern Illinois Federation of Labor News

Don't Let The make a Out of You !

Read AFT President Sandra Feldman's Editorial on the so called "Paycheck Protection Laws" and Robert Dreyfuss of Mother Jones ,tells who is behind the"Paycheck Protection Racket"

CAN’T (B)TOP THIS—Vice President Al Gore told 2,500 members of the AFL-CIO’s Building and Construction Trades Department that "your Building Trades Organizing one of the most important efforts going on in America today to assure more and more workers can work their way into the middle class....The fact is, union membership is not just good for union members. It is good for America. It brings wages up, it provides health care, it assures retirement benefits, it brings better job security, and hear me well, America: It assures better skilled workers, higher quality workmanship and a higher quality work product." He told the BCTD’s annual meeting that when federal agencies undertake construction projects, they will be told to "aggressively pursue" project labor agreements. He also promised a presidential veto of an anti-salting bill. Employers, he said, "don’t like the flavor you bring. You are the salt of the earth, and they like their life bland." House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt told delegates that California’s misnamed Paycheck Protection Act should be called "the Silencing Working Families referendum....Be clear what’s behind this. The wealthy interests that backed the GOP’s victory in 1994 like very much controlling the agenda of the House of Representatives. They now recognize that the only threat to that agenda and their control is you—organized labor."

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