resistance is futile....
Swoon Press

last updated 17 march, 2003

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the way things are
if you're here, you're probably looking for information about swoon press' zines: nova, remorsecodeblues, queen of the kangaroos, and jailbait/bent. instead, you are going to get a little story....
once upon a time, swoon press produced many wonderful things: zines, buttons, websites, and unspeakable amounts of d.i.y. goodness. these things, however, took place in that long-ago century, the 1900s. 1996-1999, to be exact. however, due to full-time enrollment in college, as well as a lack of anything significant to say, the swoon press has stopped rolling.
i have no idea if this will be a permanent condition, or if i will someday return to zinedom. in the meantime, you can reminisce about the good old days by visiting the archives, and reading selections from the aforementioned zines. sassy handmade buttons can still be purchased by clicking here. anyone wondering why this little intro is written in first person can click here to find out who i am, who i've been, and quite possibly who i'm going to be. and finally, anyone who is even vaguely interested in my current webslinging activities can visit the big queer movie list, and see what has absorbed my time and sabotaged my social life for the last couple of years.
thanks for visiting, and i hope you enjoy your stay!
-rebecca, first knight of the order of swoon press

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Amazing Fantasy Books and Comics
one-time sponsor of swoon press

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