updated 3.17.01

zines and ziney people
alabama grrrl | alice underground | arrowed | bent, swoon's e-zine for queer youth
beyond | druifes u tooi dis traag schone dous ent et? | fighting godzilla dotcommon.tarry | java turtle | noelle ste-michelle- the realm
ovrkill | rich mackin | starbellied and tongue tied
stunned silent | understated | vortex | whirling cervix

adore | angel food | bratgirl | brown bag
cargo may shift | chimera press | curbster | grub records & distribution
moon rocket | pander | pisces | random words | smitten kitten
someprozac | spectrum | spy kids | starfiend | youth in revolt

other diy sites & resources
diy search | look at me | she made this | zinesters list
one angry girl designs (cool t-shirts) | two girls & a garage (more cool t-shirts)
pukestar's catalog | the punk shop (don't let the name throw you)

helpful & informative
cafe pride | human rights campaign | the hunger site
notvictims (a site for survivors) | peace corps | planetout
pride youth chicago | rainn, (rape, abuse and incest national network)
selectsmart | warren wilson college (where i'm bound in january 2002)

theatre, comix, entertainment-type stuff
about face youth theatre (kick-ass theatre & workshop for queer youth of all stripes)
the neo-futurists | RENT (my all-time favorite musical)
hothead paisan | slave labor graphics | strangers in paradise
gmp cinema | (i heart willow and tara!)

belle and sebastian | hal 9000 | joan jett
the murmurs (mmm, leisha....) | my room records | over the rhine
the prescriptions | r.e.m. | rufus wainwright
the sheila divine

free fonts
dropping out of high school was the best thing i ever did; feel free to send them spooky e-mail ;-)