ith the winds of March come changes. Yes, Of Ages Past has two new departments on offer, both of which I believe should inspire all of us to strive for the best.
First, I have been flabbergasted by the amount of awards this site has received -- nearly 60 at last count -- but more than that, I have been touched by the comments that accompany these awards. Unique, noteworthy, a breath of fresh air, outstanding literary content, a site to bookmark, and a site that adds to the overall quality of the web are just some of the generous words that came from the individuals who have bestowed upon us their prestigious awards. I have, therefore, decided that Of Ages Past should also make an effort to reward qualified webmasters for their commendable work, and that, as a site dedicated to Historical Fiction, we appreciate their time and talent. Starting this month, I will be offering the -- Of Ages Past Award For Historical Excellence. The only way a site can win this award is for you, an author of Historical Fiction, to tell me what makes it so special, how it has aided your research, helped inspire your fictional characters, etc. The winning sites will then be featured as Sites Of The Month and later archived so that all of us can benefit from the information these sites provide. For details on how to nominate your favorite sites, and the criteria involved, click on the Sites Of The Month link on the main page. Second, Of Ages Past has also started a Quotes Of The Month section, one which I hope will be soon be crammed with powerful bits of advice given throughout the ages . . . quotes that have made you laugh, made you weep, made you thumb your nose at the world and complete that novel when everyone around you kept saying that it could not be accomplished. Your favorite inspirational and unforgettable quotes will be featured for one month, than also archived so that whenever any of us craves a bit of good advice, or simply needs a chuckle, we can easily find it. For further information on how to submit your pet quotations, click on the Quotes Of The Month link on the main page. Other features will be added forthwith . . . and thanks to all the individuals who shared with me their ideas on how to make Of Ages Past truly one of the bright spots on the web. Now then, what can you expect to find in this months issue? In Articles, Victoria Prescott tackles the history of the naming of towns and villages in Britain, pointing out the pitfalls that could mar an authors work should a fictional town be misnamed, while I share my views on the issue of historical accuracy in fiction. In Book Reviews, Frances Grattan offers criticism on two recent historical novels. In Short Stories, Laura Abbott gives us Blind Fate, the tale of an ex-Confederate officer, haunted by a war that somehow refuses to go away; Marcia Colpan offers Sondra, a story of random kindness and the possible rewards that can sometimes accompany it; Esprit De Corps, a contribution from yours truly, is a pre-Civil War romance set in the world of the theater. In Novel Excerpts, Thomas Kemp gives us a glimpse of his Angel Of Death, a novel of assassination and conspiracy set during the riotous 1960s; Anne Janette Johnson shares with us a bit of Cornerstone, an epic saga of the Knight Templars and the Inquisition; Debra Tashs new offering, Gypsy Flyer, is the story of a young mans adventures during the early years of aviation. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy!
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