Wings Of The Storm |
By Susan Sizemore
(Harper Monogram, 1992) Reviewed by Cy Korte |
hen a drunk computer geek transports Dr. Jane Florian to the Middle Ages, she must pose as Lady Jehane from the Holy Land. This is definitely not how she had planned to spend her life, but it soon becomes obvious that she must make the best of her situation. Thank goodness she belonged to a reenactment group as part of her love of history or she would be truly lost. She had a persona to help her cope, but this life in the Middle Ages is not a game. Violence and lack of plumbing are normal here. Posing as a widowed relative of Sir Stephens, Jehane uses her skills to clean up the castle, makeover the new mistress, and help love along at castle Passfair.
The love she does not want helped along is between herself and that arrogant warrior, Sir Daffyd. She must get to a convent to prevent accidentally changing history. There is more to Sir Daffyd than meets the eye—this hero is on a quest. For years he has regretted an impulsive action that may have cost a friend her life. He is searching for her to make amends and cannot take the time to fall in love. I just loved the way Ms. Sizemore pulled this story together. It leaves you with a grin and wanting to read the sequel After The Storm. Time Travel romances are one way to bring the modern perspective into an historical setting. The one problem I have had with Time Travel romances is the need for the hero/heroine to give up their life to find love. In this story, you have it ending with the best of both worlds. (Since I don't want to spoil it for you, I'll shut up and let you read!)