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Don't Be a Mr. Bungle!!!

Scarlett Windsor

It's important to keep yourself well groomed. Wash your hair thoroughly every day and keep it combed and neat. We wouldn't want people to think we look like a Mr. Bungle, now would we?

In school it is important to raise your hand and speak only when spoken to. Only a Mr. Bungle would speak out of turn!

At lunch time you might be forced to wait in a long line. Don't budge, even if your friends try to convince you that it's okay. After all, nobody likes a Mr. Bungle. Be patient. And say you're waiting in line and the girl, Sally, in front of you gets the last piece of cake. Don't hit Sally. Don't kick her. Don't break down and cry. Only a Mr. Bungle would be a big crybaby. Simply ask if the nearest lunch lady if there's more cake. You'd be surprised just how much more cake there is. If the lunch lady gives you more cake say, "Thank you." I bet she'll smile at you. She wouldn't smile at a Mr. Bungle.

When sitting down to eat your lunch, go quietly and orderly about it. Don't talk with your mouth full. No one wants a Mr. Bungle at their table!

If you keep these suggestions in mind, at school, at work, or even at home, you're sure to be respected and well-liked (and of course NOTHING like a Mr. Bungle).

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