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Open Your Heart...
Open your life to a child...

On June 11, 1998 a window of opportunity opened for Troy & I. The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) are starting a new program to increase the adoption of children in the welfare system. Illinois Governor Jim Edgar and DCFS have joined forces to speed up the process of terminating parental rights so that these children can know what it is like to grow up in a loving and nurturing environment & become productive individuals.

The children that are waiting to be adopted are age 3 and up. These children do come from abusive situations (emotional, physical or sexual in nature). There are also children that have medical problems and some that had to be given up because their parents could not adequately care for them. They are classified as "special needs" children, but what it comes down to is just wanting to be loved.

DCFS has begun a pilot program with 30 hospitals and St Francis just happened to be one of them. They are pushing for medical professionals to open their hearts and home to a child in need of Love.

On June 19, 1998 I attended the first information meeting. It was very exciting. On July 9, 1998 Troy and I will begin the adoption process with our first orientation meeting. Troy and I always knew we would adopt a child or maybe even two, but we never imagined it would occur this way. It has only been 5 months since Kaitlyn passed away (and she has not been forgotten or loved any less). To others it may seems as though we are rushing the process, but Troy and I have fully discussed these issues and we are ready to have a family. We just know that there is a child(ren) just waiting for us to love and care for them! We have not given up on having a child of our own (that we can keep and raise here on earth). It has just been pushed back another year.

A Poem To Our Future Adopted Child(ren)
Born not from our flesh
But born in our hearts
You were longed for & wanted
And Loved from the start...
Author unknown

Troy & I have completed the beginning process. We were fingerprinted and have attended the orientation and training sessions this past week. Referal forms are being mailed out to our references. When 3/5 of our referrals have been returned to our social worker we will be able to schedule the first meeting for the homestudy. It is very exciting yet frustrating because of the waiting game involved.

September 1998
Troy and I have completed some necessary paperwork and have been notified about a child...
it's a boy and he is two years of age!

October 1, 1998
Troy and I met with our social worker and our caseworker to discuss our possible son and to finally see a picture!
Medium brown hair...dark brown eyes...and a pair of the longest eye lashes!

October 6, 1998
Troy and I met with the caseworker and the fosterparents to learn more about our future son!

October 8, 1998
Troy and I met our future son for the first time!!
He was so shy at first (who can blame him). Within a few minutes he began to warm up to us.
We played with with him about an hour and then had to let him settle down for bed.
What an amazing day!!

October 30, 1998
Our son...Jared...has come to live with us!!!
God has truely blessed us!

January 9, 1999
Troy and I can not begin to tell you how truely bless we feel!
Jared is a very special little boy.
He will legally become our son in December of 1999...
but in our hearts he is already home.

Jared's webpage is in the works!
Please come back to meet him for yourself.
You won't be disappointed!

Adoption Links

Illinois Department of Children & Family Services

National Adoption Center
USA Adoption Resources by State
Adoption Net
Association for Research in International Adoption
Adoption Search

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***This page will be updated as we move through the adoption process so check back soon!