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An Angel Is Throwing You Kisses From Heaven!

(c)1998 by:Joanne Cacciatore, an excerpt from the book, "Dear Cheyenne."

When you wonder the meaning of life and love
Know that I am with you
Close your eyes and feel me kissing you
In the gentle breeze across your cheek
When you begin to doubt that you shall ever see me again
Quiet your mind hear me
I am in the whisper of the heavens
Speaking of your love
When you lose your identity
When you question who you are and where you are going
Open your heart and see me
I am the twinkle in the stars smiling down upon you
Lighting the path for your journey
When you awaken each morning not remembering your dreams
But feeling content and serene
Know that I was with you
Filling your nights with thoughts of me
When you linger in the remnant pain
Wholeness seeming so unfamiliar
Think of me
Know that I am with you
Touching you through shared tears of a gentle friend
Easing the pain
As the sunrise illuminates the desert sky
In that breathtaking brilliance, awaken your spirit
Think of our time together, all too brief, but ever brilliant
When you were certain of us together
When you were certain of your destiny
Know that God created that moment in time
Just for us
I am with you always!

By:Joanne Cacciatore
(Written in memory of her daughter, Cheyenne-Born into Heaven 7/27/94)

~Please send this to everyone who has experienced the death of a child~ These words have comforted me and I hope they do the same for others touched by this devestating loss~Sent by Ryan Taylor(4/5/96) & Kaitlyn Rose's(1/20/98-2/2/98)Mommy~

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First, you can send this message via ICQ. Open your ICQ menu, choose the person,left click on SEND & it will automatically be sent. The second way is via your email account. 1)Copy the URL:
2)Paste the URL in the message section of your email. The person recieving the message then can simply click on the URL to recieve their KISSES FROM HEAVEN!

You're the

Person To Be Kissed!

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