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Ryan Taylor Pequette

Ryan Taylor was our fist baby. I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with him! For months I kept peeing on this little stick praying that it would have 2 pink> lines! In January of 1996 our prayers were answered...there were "TWO" pink lines!!!!! I began to shake like a leaf. It finally happened. I was going to be a "mommy!" & Troy a "daddy!" I ran out of the bathroom so fast in to the living room where Troy was and announced the wonderful news. Troy came up and gave me the BIGGEST hug! He couldn't believe it. He literally went out to the store and bought another test. He wanted me to pee on another stick "just to be sure!" We didn't wait (like some folks do) we told the whole world that we were going to have a Baby! Another moment I won't forget is one day while typing a paper for school I felt this "funny" sensation in my belly. I shook it off as being "gas" (which is something pregnant women have a lot of trouble with), but it continued spradically. I always believed that I was feeling Ryan move within me. Now that I have experienced feeling Kaitlyn kick my cervix at 15 weeks I know that I felt my precious Ryan also (I am told that women that are thin with small body frames can sometimes feel movement sooner). These are just two of my very few memories of Ryan, but I treasure every one of them.

A very "special" thing that St. Francis Medical Center does for miscarried babies is to bury them. Each baby is put into it's own container and is buried at St. Mary's Cemetary. The hospital has also provided a beautiful grave stone. Written on the stone..."I will not forget you..I have carved you on the palm of my hand. Isaiah 49:15. Also on the stone are two hands holding a tiny baby. I did not find out that Ryan had been buried at St. Mary's until a year after he died. I was very depressed after losing Ryan. I never got to hold him or say a final "goodbye" as I did with Kaitlyn. I didn't have closure. After I found out where Ryan was buried I went to visit him... I finally had peace. I often wonder what he looked like in the flesh. Did he have my eyes or his daddy's nose? I guess I have to wait until we are united in heaven for those answers.

We can't know why
the lily has so brief a time to bloom
in the warmth of sunlight's kiss upon its face,
Before it folds its fragrance in
and bids the world good-night
to rest its beauty in a gentler place.
But we can know that nothing that is loved is ever lost,
and no one who has ever touched a heart
can really pass away,
because some beauty lingers on
in each memory of which they've been a part!
By:Ellen Brenneman

The best & most beautiful things in the world can not be seen
or even touched
They must be felt with the heart

~Miscarriage Information Links~

These are just a few of the many sources available for coping with a miscarriage. I hope they help you.

Frequently asked Questions with Answers regarding Miscarriage.
Miscarriage:Surviving Pregnancy Loss.
Why Did I Have a Miscarriage?
MiscarriageClinical Reference-Women's Health Advisor.

Miscarriage-A Significant Loss This site "Doctors Cry, Too" is near and dear to my heart because it shows the "human" side of Doctors (& as you know my husband is a Pediatric Doc/Resident).

You are listening to: "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

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Email: Kim and Troy

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