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More Special Things Said & Done

Easter Weekend

On Easter weekend I was feeling really depressed. I spent a lot of time at Kaitlyn's grave. It makes me feel closer to her. As I said there crying and wishing I could just hold her just one more time...Samuel's mommy came to decorate his grave with flowers. She saw me sitting at Kaitlyn's grave (which is just 2 stones to the right of Samuel's) and started to ask me about Kaitlyn. She then gave me a flower for Kaitlyn. I was so touched. After she was finished rearranging the flowers she took a few moments of her time to talk to me and lend me some much needed love & support. She also shared her son, Samuel's life and death with me. I know that God sent her there at that specific time to give me comfort. I will never forget her kindness.

Memorial Service

On May 3, 1998 The Children's Hospital of Illinois had a memorial service for all the children that passed away. It was especially important to our family because the Pediatric Residents dedicated their portion of the service to our Kaitlyn Rose. It was a beautiful service. At the end of the service a candle was lit as each name of the children that had passed away was said. We were also given seeds, "forget me nots" to plant in memory of our children. I can not begin to express my heart felt "thanks" to all those involved with the service, all the donations given in memory of Kaitlyn, and for all the Love & Support we have received. Once again "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart!

You are listening to: "Amazing Grace."

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Email: Kim and Troy

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