All About Me

"Keemara" copyright Diana Harlan Stein

I have been through many trials in my 21 years of life. Most of these stories I have never opened up and told anyone. I only wrote them for myself as a way to put the past behind me, or to try and convince myself that they never happened at all. After all they are just stories.... aren't they? What is to follow may be considered offensive to some people. I encourage you to read it, even if it might warp your pristine little mind. Please send comments to let me know what you think of all my work and writing skills. I will personally email each person back as soon as possible. For those who might've been through similar situations, if you have any questions.... Ask Away. I am no longer afraid to speak of what I have been through.

Stories Of A Bleeding Heart

Introduction To These Stories
Sour Realtions
Jaime's Disappearance
Deception and Manipulation
Recommendation Letter
Friend Or Foe
