Me.... In The Flesh

Yes, I know what you are thinking... "Jesus, this girl must be twelve years old...." Well think again. The way I look at it.... If I look this good now at 21, when I am 50 years old, I will look like I am 25. And how many of you people can say that about yourselves? hehehehe

This is me with my first child, October Skie Marchal.... exhausted after a long day. Look for her most recent pictures will be posted here, shortly.

This was taken when October was four months old. In April she will be four years old.... they do grow up so fast. I placed this picture to show how the two girls look similar.

Not the best picture, but it shows what I look like when I take the time to curl my hair.

This is part of my pitiful portfolio, back when I wanted to become a model. =)

These are more of that same portfolio.... I had just come back from a photo shoot where they put the makeup on me and did my hair, and I decided to fool around and take some shots at home. But without their light and fancy equipment.... it looks like I am a hooker with too much make-up. hehehe Heck, in the red, white, and blue one... I am wearing nothing but a towel and two scarves.

This is my youngest, Emerald Raven Smelcer, at seven months old. My little angel is now 19 months old... and hard to keep up with.

Just for laughs.... I used to illustrate my own poetry. So, not only am I a writer, but I can draw too. This is one of the works that I drew for my father, because he likes fantasy creatures. Not my best, but hey I never claimed to be an artist. =)

Check back here.... because within a week I should have more pictures of me and my two little darling girls, that truly are growing up in my image. Thank you for taking the time and interest in me and my work to look at my pages. I hope to hear from you soon.
