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The stars can't shine anymore.
The heart has grown weak.
It only suffers from pain.
I see your eyes,
Behind the mask.
The man in the moon speaks.



I want so much more than he has to give.
What purpose do I have here?
My knowledge is dying and his heart is empty.
His mind is no more than a giant mystery.
I can still see the glimmer of light in his eyes.
Is he truly happy with me?
Or am I a nuisance to his external existance.
I know not where to begin looking for him.
But what if I am the one that's lost?
Is it fair to ask this much from him?
Will he find me? Is he even looking?
What can I give him that he can't get anywhere else?
How can I find the patience within myself?
I know it's not right to hide things from him,
But why should I tell him things that he doesn't want to know?
I think it's time he knew the meaning of my song!


In The Dark

In the dead of silence
I see the spark,
The glimmer of
Ravishing beauty
Takes it's course
Among your dark eyes
And I accept the challenge.

We must complete the circle
And search within ourselves
For the answer.
How can we finish
What we've started,
When it's too intense
To stay on this path.

Pinter makes his move.
I am overwhelmed by
Your captivating beauty.
My breath can only escape
Through the skin....
Yearning for the touch
Of your soft, subtle lips.

But what if I taste sour?


Meeting With You

Your hands are strong.
My knees grow weak.
Nothing between us.
No words,
It's not safe to speak.

Your hands are gentle.
My eyes are forced to close.
Passionate kisses
Float through the air.
You pull me to you
A tight hold.

I can feel your pain.
I sense your hunger.
Don't be afraid
Of my thunder.

You have the light
That never dies.
I see it now....
It's in your eyes.


Facial Expressions

The look of innocence
Confusion, and misunderstanding
Ring true from her eyes.
Communication is hard
She hears, but she cannot speak.
Hugs, but she cannot feel.
She tastes nothing, but emptiness.
What, if anything,
Will crash down these walls
That keep her isolated from the world?


The light you are seeking is inside.
The light of fire, is love, is you.
Find it, nurture it, share it.
To seek it is to take part in the infinite.


Nearest To Me

My heart began to beat faster
When he touched my hands.
My temperature grew higher,
I began to wish I had a fan.

I got hot and all full of power,
I need to go home and take a cold shower.

I love to watch him smile,
And take my hand in his with ease.
I wondered if he would kiss me
Even if I had to say "please"?
You are the one I hold
Nearest to me!


Crushing News

Hands separate.
Worlds collide.
Oceans split.
Tears on the side.
Breaking it off.
Needing some space.
You tell me?
Then look in my FACE.


Crushing News 2

You shove your excuses on me
Like rotting meat.
I smell your stinch
Of fateful heat.
My eyes burn...
Rain to cure.
I'm so glad you told me now.
Only thing I ask is...
One reason, HOW!!!
How do you expect me
To move on with my life?
You took me in
And sucked me dry.
Please, don't touch. TENDER
Breakdown at any moment.


Lament to Jason

I lose everything I love because of you.
You took my heart and broke it in two.
Everyone else follows your lead.
You ripped out my heart, leaving my tears to bleed.
Showing my insides, and leaving my trail....
Trailing against sight and mind,
But mostly life.


The Empty Fountain

The fountain is empty...
Dry, from all the love you have shown.
The water soaked up... into nothingness.
You are a sponge that takes and never lets go.
I cower and hide in your towering shadow.
You encompass my world.
Darkening my days....
Oh Master, Free me!


After The Rain

I walk along darkened streets,
Breathing in the cold, night air.
The wind carrying your scent to me,
Flowing through my hair
Much like your hands caress.
I follow my heart, hoping
It will lead me to you.
But I continue to walk alone.
No one enters into my void.
I explore this sudden realization
Of emptiness.
Why do I feel so lost without you?
Especially tonight, after the rain.



You are my life...
From the very air that flows through me
To the blood pulsing in my veins.
You have shown me how to live,
How to love, how to breathe.
You are my reason for struggling
Through each day.
You help me see, feel, and understand.
You are in my heart, soul, and mind.
You are my love.
You are my life.
You are my everything.


Look At What You Have Done For Me

I can see it written all over your face.
I can feel past the wall, behind your eyes.
Knowing that your heart and soul,
Both are now mine.
I hope I am worthy of such a feat.
I will prove to you with my heart's every beat.
You are your strength and mine too.
If it wasn't for you,
My life would be through.


I see the spring
Turn to ice,
Not only this night.

I sing the song
Of willful soul
And will continue

I've seen the beauty
Within your eyes.
I've been inside.
It's too late to hide.



He is not of my kind.
And yet I am still compelled
To teach him.
Drawn to him,
By some magical, magnetic force.
I haven't known him long,
But I can't turn my back on him.
I owe him that much.
After all, i'm the only one
He trusts completely.
But even this I am unsure of.
He showed me life.
I must return the favor.
Or is that just the excuse?



The dagger cuts me;
It is truth.
Ties bind me;
They are conditions;
Dizziness swirls in my head;
It is my heart.
Nothing can free me:
I am trapped.
