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Pmahc's Spinal Cord Injury Page

On May 09,1997, I went to work; I was working for my father-in-law, doing concrete construction. We were doing the concrete work for our church's new building. As I was finishing a pad, the partially built structure collapsed, burying me underneath! The as a c5 quadriplegic. My fifth cervical vertebrae was crushed and my spinal cord stretched and nicked. Yes, a nick is all it takes folks. Since it was not completely severed, my injury is referred to as incomplete.
spinal cord image with sections and functions d
spinal cord image with sections and functions d
Looking at the image above, right after my accident, I had very weak deltoids and biceps and the functions higher. I use an electric wheelchair for mobility now and am surviving. Below, are various links I have collected dealing with spinal cord injury. I hope they give more guidance and explanation to spinal cord injuries.
SCI Hospitals|Magazines|Associations/Organizations|Service Animals|Home Automation|Wheelchairs|ADL/Medical Supplies|Email Lists|Independent Living|Personal Homepages

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