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My Raggedy Home Raggedy Ann

Raggedy Ann Welcome

Hello, and welcome to my page.
I am married (separated now since 09) to John I have 1 sister and 2 brothers. I have 8 nieces now, 9 nephews.

I now also have 7 great nieces and nephews. Mia, Payton, Jackson, Bella, David, Keaton, Lily Courtney and Geoffrey are my sisters kids. Courtney was married in 2002. Joseph, my big brother's oldest got married in December 2002 to Brandi Wilson.

Joseph and Brandi had their first baby on Dec 12, 2004. His name is Payton.
Click here to see Paytons Album.

Courtney and Andy had a baby girl May 12, 2005. Her name is Mia. She is such a doll!
Click here to see Mia's album.

Jackson came along a few years later and is all boy! He was born August 6, 2008. He loved my dad so much. When my dad died in December of 2009, Jackson came straight up to the casket and tried to climb in, saying Pap!! It made us all laugh and calmed us down. He has been a huge blessing.

It's been awhile since I have updated so be patient.

Geoffrey married Brooklyn Hedrick on September 21, 2013. They have two babies, Penelope Ellsworth, but call her Ellie and Gaia Louise

Joseph , Benjamin ,Jeremiah , Noah are my brother's kids. Caleb and Joshua and Thomas are the adopted boys. What is so funny about it all is that my brother is a minister, yup we are talking about the real 7th Heaven family, haha.

Here is the newest picture taken of 6 of my great nieces and nephews

and the only one that couldn't make the photo shoot last year is little Keaton.

Well here are a few of my hobbies and my interests. I enjoy music of all kinds. I listen to almost everything...except opera!!! I like country,

rock, southern gospel, 80's rock and some of the older heavy metal music. I love to scrapbook and I love to scrapbook pictures of the kids.

I got a tattoo! I got it 2003. Yes, it hurt, but I do love it so much. I went to Reigning Color in Normal IL. The artist was Roger. He does excellent work! I also pierced my eyebrow, took that out. I do have my tongue pierced and my ear pierced.

Be sure to go to my album pages to view my snapshots!

Click Here to See Ghost Hunting Shots Album

Click Here to See Fun Snapshots of Family and Friends Album

Click here to go to my other pages that I have.
