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For a complete list of Laws for Drinking and Driving in the State of Illinois.
At the end of this lesson there is a six question quiz that will be completed for the start of lesson five.  Take the quiz on your own and be prepared to discuss your answers in class.
AUSTRALIA:  The names of the drivers are sent to the local news papers and printed under the heading "He's Drunk and in Jail."

MALAYA:  The driver is jailed; if he's married, his wife is jailed, too.

SOUTH AFRICA:  A 10 year prison sentence and the equivalent of a $10,000
   fine or both.

TURKEY:  Drunk drivers are taken 20 miles from town by the police and forced to walk back under escort.

NORWAY:  Three weeks in jail at hard labor, one year loss of license.  Second offense within five years -- license revoked for life.

FINLAND:  Automatic jail for year at hard labor.

SWEDEN:  Automatic jail for year at hard labor.

COSTA RICA:  Police remove plates from car.

RUSSIA:  License revoked for life.

ENGLAND:  One year suspension and 250 dollar fine and jail for one year.

FRANCE:  Three year loss of license, one year jail and $1,000 fine.

POLAND:  Jail and fine and forced to attend political lectures.

BULGARIA:  A Second conviction results in execution.

EL SALVADOR:  Your first offense is your execution by firing squad.

Something to think about. Do you think if are laws were like some of these countries that the United States would have the drinking and driving problkem that we have today?