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Internet Gran Prix goes ahead by Leonid Shifman

If to look on final standings of Marth tournament of IGP may to say that there is not any surprises: champion'97 Michael Handel on his place, Ola and Ryan (pay attention that Ryan played only 6 games!) are near him, and Eddie Williams is already good known. But there is a good surprise! Only look on the end of the standings:  32 human participants! In January were only(!) 25. But I think that 32 is too few. I believe in short time we will see 50+! To look games of winners click here:  


1 Michael Handel MidnigHt Great Britain 6.0
2 Ola Mikael Hansson unic Sweden 5.0
3 Eddie Williams MrMuffin USA 5.0
4 Ryan Matreyek matreyek USA 5.0
5 sum sum China 4.5
6 R. Fang fangr USA 4.5
7 Daniel Rignell Ragnil Sweden 4.5
8 Eva Lee lala China 4.0
9 Daniel Olivares olidan Argentina 4.0
10 Johan Berner johan Sweden 4.0
11 Shira Yaziv queen Israel 4.0
12 Chris Miller konofo USA 4.0
13 Hans Tap hans Sweden 3.0
14 Ilya Shifman dawg0zoy Israel 3.0
15 Stephen Swolley Xris USA 3.0
16 Justin Whitten muffin USA 3.0
17 Ken Roberts Jakelin USA 3.0
18 Ian Turner Ian Great Britain 3.0
19 Valery Geltser valery Israel 3.0
20 Carlos Aguayo Condor Mexico 2.0
21 Lee Edwards Cybrpunk USA 2.0
22 disco disco China 2.0
23 Benyamin Shifman karmy Israel 2.0
24 George Ortiz froggy Australia 1.5
25 Daniel Mathias Impulse USA 1.0
26 Tim Powell zapbot Australia 1.0
27 Siu Luk hujai China 1.0
28 Fowler yip China 1.0
29 Sohei Sasaki cruel Japan 1.0
30 Marco Ferrando marco Italy 0.5
31 Geoff Hubbard kryten Australia 0.5
32 Dumb Computer ant - 0.0
33 Marius Juodele Marius2J Lithuania 0.0
