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Hi! Here's some songs I wrote. I hope when you listen to them, they will help you focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. These songs are in RealAudio 8.0.
Song List:
Gospel Song
Everlasting Life
The Lord's Prayer
One Good Decision
I'm So Happy
Take Over (Ann Williams - Lead Vocals)
Another Day
Holy Spirit Move (Maria Reiser - Lead Vocals)
I Believe in You

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If you have any questions email me at I'd love to hear from you!
Rob Merritt, guitars, drumtracks and vocals, all songs except where indicated otherwise below.
Steve Moroniak: sound engineering and drum tracks for "Another Day" and "Holy Spirit Move"
Keith Baran: Synthesizer and drumtracks for "Take Over"
Dave Dew: Cello on "One Good Decision"
Anne Williams: Lead Vocals on "Take Over"

Words and Music: Rob Merritt Copyright 2002, all Songs

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Rob's Christian Songs Web Page

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