Still, people do get abducted or at least I believe so, and that leads us to the question: What do they
abduct us for? If you ask me, it's for the experiments, aliens want to see what make us tick. It's not
such a far fletched idea, considering humans have dissected every form of life on the earth thrice over,
even ourselves. Supposedly through the marvals of medical technology we can do anything, and yet we
can't even tell yet why it is that people turn gay, or cure cancer or anything that we'd really like to
know. Instead we turn out diet pills and pills that help one thing while killing another. Also on the whole,
our brains are a huge mystery to us. So why would it be impossible for aliens to want to examine us? I'll
admit it's not the most interesting thing to do, but it's there none the less.
I do not believe every UFO theory out there, even ones that seem too good to be true, usually aren't.
For example, a while back, about seven or so years, there was a huge buzz about a triangle shaped
UFO that the military were hiding and secretly flying. Then about three years later the government
declassified the Stealth calss of fighters and bombers. Now, some of you would say, they put out the
Stealths as a cover-up for their actual UFO testing. I don't believe this to be true at all. Keep in mind
that the U.S. government is a lying secretive, paranoid, and reactive institution. They probably didn't
want their new secret weapon againt the dreaded "Commies" to get out for fear of being beaten at their
own game.