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Who is this girl??

First off what I look like...I have a few pictures below...

Me With Wet Hair Close Up Another Close Up Black And White Matt and Me Me and Jr Messing Around Me and Tyler Jr, Scott, And I Me and Jr Flipping Off The Camera Me, Jr, and Tyler Me and Matt Me...Scott in the background Plain Old Me Me Hard At Work hehe

Hello Everyone! Thanks for visiting my webpage and wanting to find out more about me...First off my name is Melissa and I'm 22 years old. I'm from Dixon which is a small town in Illinois. I have a beautiful daughter who is 1 years old, her name is Natalie and I am working on a page for her with some pictures so you can see how beautiful she is :) She is the love of my life so I had to make something for her but please be patient...
I'm not working at the moment (still looking) but I am a CNA which is basically a nursing assitant and I love what I do. I have a few pictures of me on this page at the top, they aren't very good ones but I'm working with what god gave me here lol. If you would like to get ahold of me to talk my email address is on the main page or I also use Yahoo messanger my ID is miss_meliss_3. Again thanks for coming, stop by again sometime otherwise I will talk to you later :)

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