My Links
Page 2--My Joke Page
Page 3--My Picture Page
My girlfriend Laura's page
My Resume
A page that I'm working on for a class
MusicMatch Jukebox--plays MP3's and more
Welcome to my page! Glad that you decided to come and visit me here in my little corner of the 'net. :) Hopefully you like what you see and come back because I try to change the appearance often. Enjoy!
Hey everybody! Glad to see you again. Haven't worked on this page in quite a while but no better time than the present to do so. First of all I would like to thank Laura for helping me with this page..Love You Gorgeous. Anyway, here's the latest news with me. First of all, I am engaged to Laura now...ENGAGED!, scary huh? :) I'm also getting pretty close to graduating from SIUC, only two more classes this summer. I'm excited and nervous about this because I need to do an internship in order to graduate and am running out of time. Anyway, enough about me because the only real interesting things about a homepage are images and links right?? Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway, keep a close eye on this site because I want to try and make this page more interesting. Thanks....Later All!!
~Please take the time to sign the Guest Book while you are here. I would like your input. Thanks!~
**This page is kept up by Ryan's girlfriend Laura most of the time...just in case anyone wanted to know that! 'LOL' :-) So please go visit my page as well. It is under the Links at the top of this page. Thanks!**