Morton Folk
Here's Kat, Shanny, Karen, and I lookin' MIGHTY cool on a boat near France. Notice the dark, shaded sunglasses theme...yep, we're the Morton Rebels.
A common activity when Jane and I get together...the proverbial Nail Polish Party.
The coolest person in Morton, Lyndsey Maurer....she's in Chicago right now, but we plan on kidnapping her and bringing her back to Morton soon.
Andy, Kathy, Jane and I were all together in the musical The Whiz. Those aren't our outfits and the cake makeup was just an added bonus.
The true nature of our little group comes out during the most sacred of all holidays...All Hallow's Eve...whoo, we look scary.
This next one shows Jim and Kat at their best...this picture definitely has blackmail potential.
Oh, and here's Janie and I again...if you look closely at my picture album, you'll find that this is a generic picture pose for us...we look the same in every picture, but have different clothes on (otherwise, it'd be a dire fashion "no-no")
And now...the final hour of our educational reckoning...and don't we look stylin' in those red hot caps!
After graduation...we took our freedom and went out to wreak havoc upon our merry hamlet of a town. Well, Shannon, Kathy, and I did...Paige and Andy still had more time to do in the public school system at that point...
Want to see what REALLY happened on Friday nights in Morton....???