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Silliness o' the Mortonites

What do we do in fair Morton? Well, well, I guess you better scroll on down the page to see...

1. Go to movies and talk through them...completely ignoring those who came to actually watch the movie

2. Visit Dairy Queen--that's where all the really cool people hang, obvioulsy..

3. Eat pez

4. Sit in our rooms and stare blankly at the wall

5. Figure out exactly how many calories are in a Dilly Bar from Dairy Queen...right before we scarf it down

6. Rent eighties movies and comment on the way-keen fashion sense of the times

7. Go to Walmart and Kmart--the place to be on a Saturday night

8. Make movies about mental institutions (Can we say Zellar? How about "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"?)

9. Drive by abandoned asylums (can we say scared mindless?)

And that's all. Ah, the night life of Morton...