~Forever More - Part 1~

Micky ran out of the ocean and set his surfboard down on the sand. He picked up his towel and roughly dried his face. This was his favorite time of day. The sun just over the horizon and the beach empty and quiet. And then he heard screaming. Gut wrenching screaming that made his blood run cold. He dropped his towel and ran towards the sound. His feet spit up sand behind him as he rounded one of the boulders on the beach and stopped dead in his tracks.

He saw the man first. His long dark hair blowing in the breeze. And then he saw the woman. Her body curled up in a ball in the sand as she received blow and after blow from the man’s fists. He grabbed her by the hair and beat the back of her head against the ground. Micky ran towards them and yelled, “Hey!!” The man saw Micky and quickly got up and bolted the opposite direction down the beach.

Micky knelt down beside the woman. Her body was lifeless and quiet. Blood covered her face and matted her hair. Her clothes were torn. He put his ear by her mouth and could hear her breathing. He gave a quick sigh of relief and then put his hand on her shoulder.

Her eyes jolted opened and she screamed, “No! Get away from me!” Her arms flared out striking him in the chest.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” He grabbed her wrists gently. “You’re going to be alright.”

“Stay away from me!” She crawled backwards from him, her eyes wide and full of fear.

“Please, let me help you.” Micky tried to soothe her with a calm voice. “You’re hurt, let me help you.”

She screamed once more and then passed out cold. Her body slumping back into the sand.

Micky worked quickly, picking her up in his arms and carrying her back to the beach house he shared with his bandmates. “Guys! Help!” He yelled walking in the house and laying her down on the couch.

“What’s goin’ on?” Mike was the first to appear, his woolhat perched neatly on his head. He was followed by Peter and then Davy.

“Some guy was beating her up.” Micky explained covering her with a blanket. “She’s hurt pretty bad.”

“Who is she?” Davy asked as the three of them joined Micky next to the couch.

“I don’t know. She’s out cold.”

“Maybe we should take her to the hospital.” Peter suggested looking down at the woman.

“I think Peter is right.” Mike agreed. “I’ll get the car.”


They arrived at the hospital and Micky carried her into the emergency room. The doctor took her quickly into the examination room and a receptionist took what little information Micky had. He sat down in the waiting room just as Mike, Peter and Davy walked in. “The doctor is with her now.”

“Good, then we can go.” Mike said.

“We can’t just leave.” Micky protested.

“Yes, we can. We don’t need to be involved in this.” He continued. “We have enough problems of our own.”

“You can go, but I’m staying.” Micky stated firmly. “I have to at least make sure she’s going to be alright.”

Mike sighed and sat down beside him, his hand automatically going to his friend’s shoulder. “Then we’ll stay with you.”

“Thanks.” Micky managed a smile.


“Mr. Dolenz?” The doctor came into the waiting room.

“Yes.” Micky jumped up and walked over to him.

“I’m Doctor Taylor.” He smiled.

“These are my roommates, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Davy Jones.” Micky introduced them. “How is…the girl. I don’t even know her name.”

“Her name is Amy. She has a sprained arm, a concussion and numerous cuts and bruises. But she is going to be fine.” The doctor explained. “This isn’t the first time she’s been here.”

“You mean this has happened before?” Davy asked.

“Yes.” Doctor Taylor took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. “I’m afraid it has.”

“I don’t understand.” Peter shook his head.

“The man your friend chased off is her boyfriend. He has done this to her before.” The doctor continued.

“What??” Micky exclaimed. “Why haven’t you done anything to stop it?”

“I wish I could but there is nothing I can do to stop it.” He sighed. “In the past, she has refused to press charges against him. Because there are usually no witnesses, there is no way to prove that he is the one doing this to her.”

“No witnesses until now.” Micky acknowledged.

“Oh no!” Mike butted in. “You cannot get involved in this.”

“I have to, Mike.” Micky turned to him. “I saw what he did to her. I can’t let that happen again. I have to tell the police.”

“I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Mike restated.

“Probably not, but I still have to do it. I have to help her.” Micky looked back at the doctor. “Can I come back and see her?”

“Of course.” He smiled. “She could use a friend.” He looked at the other Monkees. “Or more than one.”


Part 2
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