~Forever More - Part 2~

Micky went to the police as soon as they left the hospital. He had found out from the doctor that this had been going on for over a year and that the boyfriend’s name was Ron. He told the officer everything he knew about what had happened to Amy and he hoped it would be enough. He wanted so bad to help and to make sure that this never happened again.


Micky went to the hospital the next morning. He bought some flowers in the gift shop and went into her room. She was sitting up in the bed struggling to eat her breakfast with her left hand. The bandages and bruises on her face couldn’t cover up the fact that she was truly beautiful. Her shoulder-length blonde hair cascaded around her face and she tucked a piece behind her ear before throwing the fork down in annoyance.

“You look a lot better, Amy.” Micky walked over to the bed and placed the flowers on the nightstand.

She was startled and then recognized him. “You were at the beach yesterday. Doctor Taylor said you brought me here.”

“Guilty.” Micky smiled. “I’m Micky Dolenz.”

“Thank you for what you did.” She returned his smile with a shy one of her own.

“I’m glad I could help.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “I talked to the police and they said they would come talk to you today.”

“You did what?!” She exclaimed, her blue eyes filling with a mixture of anger and fear.

“I had to tell them what I saw.” He explained. “And if you press charges they can’t put him away.”

“I won’t do it!” She stated firmly. “And you had no right to talk to them.”

“What he did to you was wrong.” He said gently. “What he’s been doing to you is wrong. Don’t you understand that? He could have killed you yesterday if I hadn’t been there.”

“It’s none of your business!” Silent tears ran down her face.

“It became my business yesterday morning.” He reached out to touch her hand but she quickly pulled it away.

“Get out.” She said softly but with conviction.

“Please, Amy, I want to help you.” He pleaded. “Let me be your friend.”

“I don’t want your help.” She turned on her side, her back to him. “Please leave.”

Micky wanted to say something, anything to make her understand but he figured it would fall on deaf ears. Instead, he got up and left the room quietly, the sound of her soft sobs echoing in his ears.


Part 3
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