~Forever More - Part 3~

Doctor Taylor called Micky and asked if him and his roommates could come to the hospital. Micky knew that Amy did not want to see him but the doctor said it was important so they went.

“I’m glad you could come.” Doctor Taylor shook all their hands. “I have a favor to ask you.”

“What is it?” Mike asked.

“Ron is in jail.” He looked at Micky. “Your statement was enough to put him away, at least for a little while.”

“Thank God.” Micky nodded.

“The thing is I can’t release Amy unless there is someone to take care of her. She is still weak and will need help.” The doctor looked at them. “I was hoping she could stay with you until she is stronger.”

“She will never agree to that.” Micky said. “She hates me.”

“She has no family. No friends. Accept for the four of you.” The doctor explained. “I talked to her this morning and she agreed to stay with you. I told her it was the only way she was getting out of this hospital.”

“Pretty sneaky, doc.” Mike chuckled.

“I just want her to be safe.” He smiled. “Will you do it?”

Micky looked at the three of them and they each nodded. “Of course we will.”

“You’re good boys.” He patted Mike’s shoulder. “I know you didn’t want to get involved, but you are doing the right thing.”

“I hope it just doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.” Mike said under his breath.


The guys walked into Amy’s room. A nurse was helping button her blouse. “You must be the nice boys that are going to take care of our patient.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Micky smiled looking at Amy. “These are my roommates, Mike, Peter and Davy.”

Amy responded with only a nod of her head.

“Now, you take good care of her.” The nurse smiled and gave Amy a pat on the shoulder.

“We will.” Mike answered. “Are you ready to go?”

Again, Amy nodded.

They walked out of the hospital and Mike drove them back to the beach house. “This is it.” He announced as they walked inside.

Amy stood at the door looking in. “Thanks for getting me out of hospital.” She turned to leave.

“Hey!” Micky ran after her. “You can’t leave. We told the doctor that we would take care of you until you were stronger.”

“I can take care of myself.” She insisted and then winced in pain.

“I can see that.” He nodded and gently took her arm. “But please stay anyway.”

Mike, Peter and Davy stood in the doorway and when she looked at them, they smiled. “I’ll stay…but just for a couple of days.”


“How come no one is using this bedroom?” Amy asked as she sat down on the bed.

“We have three bedrooms and there are four of us. Mike and I share a room and Peter and Davy share a room.” Micky explained. “That way its fair.” He handed her a pair of pajamas. “These will be big on you but it’s just for tonight. Tomorrow we can get you some other clothes.”

She looked down at her hands. “I don’t know why you are all being so nice.”

“We like helping damsels in distress.” He chuckled. “You better get some rest. Mike and I are right next door if you need anything.” He stood and walked towards the door.

“Micky…” She looked up and waited for him to turn around. “Thank you.”

“Get some sleep.” He smiled and closed the door behind him.


Part 4
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