~Forever More - Part 4~

When Amy awoke the next morning, she could hear voices coming from the kitchen. She carefully got out of bed and opened the door. Her new friends were sitting around the kitchen table talking and laughing. She quietly walked out, the pajamas dragging on the floor.

“Hey!” Mike smiled. “Look who’s up.”

“How are you feeling, Amy?” Peter asked with a smile.

“Sore, but a little better, thanks.” She answered.

“Are you hungry, luv?” Davy asked holding out a chair for her. “Peter made some of his famous chocolate chip pancakes.”

“They do smell good.” She sat down. Before she could say anything else, the four of them were up and busy. Peter filled her a plate with pancakes and bacon. Davy cleared the table of the used dishes. Mike poured her a cup of coffee and Micky got her a glass of orange juice. “Thank you.” She blushed at the attention they were showering her with.

“We’ll have to get you some clothes today.” Micky laughed. “I was wrong, these aren’t just big, they are huge.”

“I have clothes at home.” She took a bite and smiled at Peter. “These are really good.”

“Told ya.” Davy agreed.

“One of us can drive you home after you eat.” Mike suggested. “You can get your stuff and bring it back here.”

“I just need a few things.” She took a sip of juice. “I don’t want to impose on you any other than I have too.” She looked at Micky. “You’ve already done too much.”


Micky drove her to the apartment she shared with Ron. They walked in and found the place destroyed. The furniture was turned over, tables were broken, glass was shattered everywhere, the television was smashed, books were torn apart and the phone was pulled out of the wall.

“Oh God…” Amy whispered covering her mouth with her hand.

Micky gently put his hands on her shoulders and felt her tense underneath them. “I’m sorry.”

“What a mess.” Amy tried to laugh it off. She started to straighten some magazines that were scattered across the floor.

“Don’t.” Micky took her arm gently. “Let’s get you some clothes and get out of here.”

“I really should clean…” She looked up at him and saw a softness in his eyes. “Alright, I’ll just be a minute.”

Micky waited for her, walking around what was left of the living room. He picked a notebook up off the floor and carefully flipped through the pages. Inside were poems and short stories. He was reading when Amy came back into the room. “What are you looking at?”

“Did you write these?” He held up the notebook for her to see.

She quickly snatched it out of his hands. “They’re private.”

“They’re good.” He retorted. “Very good.”

“I…thank you.” She blushed. “No one has ever read them before.”

“That’s too bad.” He picked up her suitcase. “From what I read, you are very talented.”


Amy took a shower and then a nap after she and Micky returned to the beach house. She woke up to the sound of music and realized it was live and coming from the living room. The guys had told her that they had a band called The Monkees. She walked out and curled up on the couch to listen.

“I’m sorry if we woke you.” Mike apologized when they finished the song they were playing.

“No, I’m glad you did.” She smiled. “Please play some more.”

Micky winked, “This one is called ‘Sometime in the Morning’.”

Amy rested her head on her arms and watched them. She closed her eyes and listened to the sweet sounds they were making. When she opened them again, her eyes were locked with Micky’s and for just a second she felt something that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

When they finished, she kept her eyes on Micky. “You’re good. Very good.”


Part 5
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