~Forever More - Part 6~

Micky took Amy’s hand and led her to the couch. Mike, Peter and Davy followed them and they sat around her. She had been staying with them for a week now and had announced the previous night that she was ready to go home. Her suitcase was packed and sitting by the door.

“What is going on?” She asked.

“We want you to stay.” Micky answered.

“What?” She looked at each of them. “What do you mean stay?”

“We talked about it last night after you went to bed and we want you to live here with us permanently.” He smiled.

“I don’t understand.” She shook her head. “Why?”

“First, because it’s a way out for you.” Mike explained.

“Second, we could use some help paying the bills.” Davy continued.

“But most importantly, because we like you.” Peter smiled.

“I don’t know what to say.” Her eyes filled with tears.

“Say yes!” Micky exclaimed.

She laughed through her tears, “Yes!”


They packed up the rest of Amy’s things from the apartment and moved them into the beach house. The next day they gave her new room a fresh coat of paint and helped her unpack. By the end of the evening, she was exhausted and home.


“I got it!! I got it!!” Amy came tearing into the house.

“Whoa darlin’!” Mike caught her as she literally ran into him. “Where’s the fire?”

“I got the job!” She hugged him before jumping up and down across the room.

“What job?” He asked.

“What’s going on?” Micky ran out from the bedroom. He took one look at Amy and smiled. “You got it!”

“I got it!” She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck.

“What job?” Mike asked again.

“Sorry, Mike.” Amy laughed. “I applied for a job at a magazine. I went for an interview today and they hired me on the spot. You are looking at Rock Magazine’s newest proofreader.” She danced around the room again. “But you know what the best part is?”

“What?” They both asked in unison.

She smiled proudly. “I saw something I wanted and I took the chance. I wasn’t scared or intimated and it feels great!”

They both hugged her tightly. “You’ve got your life back.” Micky kissed the top of her head.

“I couldn’t have done it without you guys.” She hugged them both again. “Thank you.”


Part 7
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