~As We Go Along Epilogue~
Part 1 - Davy Jones

Davy never remarried after Diana's death. He never found anyone he loved even a fraction as much as he loved her. Instead, he dedicated his life to raising their daughter, Hope, and his music, both solo and with The Monkees. He was very successful in both.

Hope grew up hearing loving stories about her mother. She never felt anything but love and security. Her dad has instilled in her independence, the value of education and most importantly, the value of family. She became a doctor and started her won family practice. Micky was her first patient having cut his finger while making a sandwich.

She met a wonderful man who was also a doctor. They became partners not only in business but also in life. Davy cried the day he walked her down the aisle and then again a year later when his first grandchild was born, a boy proudly named David Thomas.

Davy died in his sleep dreaming about his sweet Ana. He was 81 years old.


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