~As We Go Along Epilogue~
Part 4 - Micky & Madison Dolenz

At the time of Micky's death in 2034, he and Madison had been married for 63 years. They were best friends, lovers and soul mates. They had been through everything together, good and bad, and had survived because of their never-ending love.

George (Mac) decided to make his career out of the spotlight. He became a successful songwriter and producer. He waited for Marie (Mike and Samantha's daughter) as he promised he would. They were married soon after her graduation from high school. The child they were meant to have was born two years later and named after his very proud grandpa, Micky.

Sarah followed in Madison's footsteps. She became a famous writer and also chartered the New York's best seller's list like her mom. A ski accident, which resulted in a broken leg also, resulted in love. She felt in love with the emergency room doctor and they were married later that same year.

Jacob went to art school and became a graphic designer. Two years later he opened his own advertising firm. Within five years, he owned the top advertising firm in the State of California.

Christopher went to law school and became a lawyer. Micky had always said he could argue his way out of anything. He opened a small practice with a woman who he had been friends with since the beginning of college. They had a friendship not unlike Micky and Madison's and it wasn't long before they realized it was more than a friendship. They married and continued to practice law together.


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