~A Monkee Miracle~

Written by: Amy Nesmith


It's a nice quiet night on Malibu Beach in California.

While inside the house down the way,

Micky, Davy, and Peter are getting ready for a gig,

but Mike isn't in much of a hurry.

He want's to finish watching his favorite television show!

And so our story begins...

(Opening Credits) "Here we come..."

"Mike, would you hurry up, we're going to be late for our gig tonight!" said Davy in a hurry.

"Oh cool it Davy, we wont be late. Just let me finish watching the rest of this song. You know, "The Swingin' Groove" is my favorite show! This girl, Amy sing's like a charm. 'Side's Davy, the only reason you wanna get there early is 'cause the girls! The girls ain't goin' no place!" said Mike, laughing. "Let me get my hat, then we'll go."

Mike grabbed his green wool hat and the guy's left out the door, into The Monkeemobile and headed to their gig at "The Groovy-A-Go-Go"

They arrived about fifteen minutes later at the huge nightclub.

"Ok chaps, let's have at it" said Davy

"You're crackers Davy....Stone GIRL crackers!" said Micky trying not to laugh at Davy getting goo-goo over the first girl he saw.

"Let's go find the manager and tell 'em we're here 'fore we set up." said Mike "Now, where do you suppose he is?"

"Well, I would be guessing, if I said 'that door over there with the sign that say's "Manager's office."' said Micky

"Boy Mick, you're a really good guesser!" said Peter

The four of them were heading over to the Manager's office when Davy pointed something out.

"Hey look you guy's, there's a girl over there sitting all alone and crying" said Davy

"Maybe she got lost trying to find the manager's office!" said Peter

"Oh Peter! You think we should go see if she's ok?" asked Micky

"Yeah, I think we should." said Mike

The four guys headed to the table where the girl was sitting. She had long curly brown hair and was wearing an overcoat and sunglasses to cover her red blood-shot brown eyes.

"Um...Miss, are you alright? We couldn't help but see you crying." said Davy.

"I wish I could say I am ok, but I'm not..." The girl said taking off her sunglasses to get a better look at the boy's.

The girl looked up and saw Davy stareing into her eye's so loving. But the girl wasn't looking at Davy back, she was looking right at Mike!

"...you see..." she said still looking at Mike

"Hey wait just a minute," said Mike "Aren't you that groovy singer on that T.V. show, 'Swingin' Groove'? Your name is Amy Blessing!!!" said Mike excitedly. The girl started to cry even harder.

"I was hoping you didn't recognize me." said Amy.

"Well who wouldn't? you're one of the best female singers on television! We watch you all the time! Especially Mike!" said Peter trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah, Pete's right! What would a girl like you have to cry about?" asked Micky

"I don't know if you would understand...by the way, I didn't catch your names."

"Well we're The Monkees" said Mike. "I'm Mike, this is Micky, this is Peter, oh, and the guy over there with all the girls, that's Davy."

Amy started to smile as they all started to joke about one another.

"Hey, Amy, you never told us what was bothering you." said Mike pulling up a chair to sit next to her.

"You see, I don't think you would understand."

"Try me." said Mike looking into her eyes.

"Well, the T.V. studio wants to fire me..."

"Why in the wo'ld would they fire a gi'l li'e you?" asked Davy in a strong British accent

"Well, they want to fire me because, I mean I can sing and dance, but they want someone who can play the guitar, and well, frankly, I cant."

"Well, we'll just have to see what we can do about that now won't we?" said Mike with a huge smile on his face.

"Teach what? Drums? Well I'm your man" said Micky

"Or how about bass?" said Peter

"What about a pair of red maracas?" said Davy trying to get Amy's attention off of Mike.

"Oh, you boy's are all wonderful, but what I NEED to learn is the guitar!" said Amy

Micky looked at Mike and smiled fiendishly as if he had an idea. "Would you excuse us for a minute Amy?" said Micky pulling Mike away from the table, almost toppling him over.

Micky took Mike to the other end of the club to talk to Mike.

"Well Mike, you're the only one qualified. She needs to learn guitar." said Micky

"Mick, buddy," said Mike "I don't know if I would be a great teacher. Ya see, I taught myself to play. I don't have any idea where to start! Plus she's a star and..."

"Mike would you cool it?! Don't worry man, we'll help ya out! Plus, maybe you guy's will get to know each other and she'll dig you or somthin'...I mean, you do think she's groovy, don't you?" said Micky

"Micky, I think she already dig's Mike- A lot!" said Davy

"How do ya figure?" said Mike "A star fallin' for me? A farmer's son? That's stone crazy!" said Mike

"I'm serious Mike, I like 'er me-self an' I've been trying to get her to notice me, but she has her li'll eye's on you!" said Davy

"See Mike, now go over there and tell her you'll help her! You have nothing to loose!" said Micky

"Except for my pride! Well, ok, I will." said Mike

So Mike walked back over to the table and sat down right next to her again while the other 3 Monkees watched from across the room.

"Amy, I'd be glad to help ya out and..." said Mike

"Oh, Mike thank you! thank you from the bottom of my heart!" said Amy throwing her arms around the tall Texan.

"Hey, you guy's," said Peter, "here comes Mr Arcadian, the manager"

"Aren't I paying you guys to play?" said Mr. Arcadian

"Um, Amy, we better go play now, but you sit tight. We'll be done in 'bout an hour. After that, we'll drive ya back to the pad and we'll start teachin' ya everything ya need to know!" said Mike.

"Oh Mike, I could just kiss you!" said Amy

"Well," Mike said shyly "what's stopin' ya?"

"Nothing now..." said Amy with a huge smile on her face.

Mike smiled back at Amy as he touched her face gently with his hand. They both leaned forward and...

"How about it Mike, you going to play too?" said Mr. Arcadian pulling him up from his seat.

"One hour?" said Amy.

"One hour" said Mike.

Mike joined the other Monkees on the stage.

"Hello everyone. If you don't know already, we're The Monkees. I'd like to start off tonight with a song I wrote, and I'd like to sing it for someone special in the audience" Mike said looking at Amy. "The name of the song is 'The Kind Of Girl I could Love'."

---Meanwhile, all is not well at the Mammoth Television Station..

"We've got her now boss! She'll never learn in a week to play guitar!" said Lenny, the producer of "Swingin' Groove".

"You are so right Lenny! Then, after we fire Amy, we can go on with our plan!" said the head manager

"Um, boss, what IS our plan?" asked Lenny scratching his head.

"You fool, don't you remember anything? We fire the girl, then turn her T.V. show into our own! Oh mother would be so proud!" said the head manager sitting down in his big office chair.

"But what is your show going to be about?" asked Lenny.

"You see, it will be about a singing group who cant find work and get's into trouble all the time." said the manager

"But boss, I dont think anybody would watch that kind of a show" said Lenny

"Well, you have a point, we'll just make it our own show. Do whatever we want to!" said the manager breaking into uncontrollable laughter.

---About an hour later, back at "The Groovy-A-Go-Go"...

Through out the night-club, all you could hear was applause. Everyone was dancing and having a great time, except for Amy.

"What am I going to do?" said Amy to herself as she waved to Mike on the bandstand. "I mean, I don't doubt that Mike is probably the most grooviest guy in the world, but it is going to take a miracle for me to learn how to play in just one week..." She spotted the boy's coming up to her.

"Ok Amy, get a hold of yourself. You don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of them. Your famous, supposed to be perfect..." she mumbled to herself

"You ready to go?" asked Mike

"You bet I am!" said Amy trying to focus on Mike instead of worrying about her problem.

---About 15 minutes later they arrived at the beach-side house...

"Well, the house isn't much bu' we get by." said Davy as they all walked in the front door.

"Oh don't say that, I love it. I think it's the most Far-out and outta-site pad in all of California! And I absolutily adore the beach!" said Amy looking around.

"You do? Oh I mean---of course you do!!! We have the best designers working under us!" said Micky trying to imitate a French designer.

"Hey, Mick, all that's under us is the floor!" said Peter confused as usual.

"Um, guys..." said Mike looking at the 3 Monkees

"OH RIGHT!" said Micky

"I can dig it." said Davy

"If you would excuse us Amy, but we have to go, um, a, um, feed the dog now and..." said Micky

"WE HAVE A DOG??? Wow I've always wanted a dog! Let's go" said Peter pulling Micky and Davy toward the back door.

"Ok, now that we are alone, where do you want to start off?" asked Mike

"How about where we left off before your gig?" said Amy

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea!" said Mike leaning closer to Amy.

But all of a sudden, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Ok boy's I know you're all in there! Open this door right now!" screamed a voice. Davy, Micky, and Peter ran into the room.

"Who's at the door?" asked Davy

"I have a pretty good idea who it is" Mike said as he opened the door to let in the screaming landlord.

"You boy's better pay your rent soon or else OUT-YOU-GO!" said their landlord, Mr Babbot

"But Mr. Babbot..." said Mike

"Let me handle this." said Amy to Mike

"Mr. Babbot, surely you wouldn't kick these good boy's out of this outta-site pad of yours, now would you?" asked Amy

"You---you are---aren't you---yes, you are---!!!" said Mr Babbot trying to keep his cool.

"Yes I am, and these boy's are trying to help me keep my show. So if you kick them out, no more show. No more show, no guest's. No guest's...NO YOU! Can ya dig?" asked Amy

"Why, what was I thinking?" said Mr. Babbot nervously. "I wasn't really going to kick these guy's out! Keep doing what you were! Oh, here's my number. Call me when you need an act!" said Mr. Babbot handing Amy a card before walking out the door.

"Thanks a million, Amy" said Micky "Our landlord does that about everyday!"

"He wont do it again as long as I can help it." said Amy

"What do ya mean Amy?" asked Davy

"Well, you see, since you boy's are helping me, I am going to do you some favors too! It's only fair!" said Amy

"We haven't helped ya yet, so let's get started, um guy's?" said Mike

"Yeah Mike, we know, the dog!" said Micky

"You guy's, there wasn't a dog there before!" said Peter being dragged up the spiral staircase and out of the room by Davy.

"Ok Amy, now let's get this started!---wait, I have to get a guitar for you to use, I'll be right back, k?" said Mike.

"Ok" said Amy watching Mike go up the stairs into his room. Amy thought to herself for a second, "I just HAVE to tell Mike I only have a week!" said Amy to herself. She spotted someone across the room, it was Mr. Schineder, the dummy.

"Well, I guess I can ask you." said Amy walking over to Mr. Schineder. "Mr. Schineder, Do you think Mike can teach me to play guitar in a week?" asked Amy pulling his cord.

"Do you believe in miracles?" asked Mr. Schineder

Amy started to cry again as Mike walked into the room with his prized guitar, "Black Beauty".

"What's a matter Amy?" asked Mike walking over to her with his guitar.

"Oh Mike, I feel so bad! I should have been honest with you from the beginning! You are going to be so angry with me!" said Amy

"I could never be mad at you Amy! Who could!? Now, what's the matter?" asked Mike

"Well, I only have one week to learn to play. Are you mad?" asked Amy

"No of course not!" said Mike as he hugged Amy.

"But I am worried" mumbled Mike to himself.

---At the same time at Mammoth Television Studio's...

"Lenny," said the head manager "I want you to go find out where Ms. Blessing is right now, and make sure she's not getting into monkey-business."

"Where do I look for her?" asked Lenny

"Well, where ever all the teen's hang out! All the frug's and discotects!" said the head manager. "We have to make sure she's not trying to learn how to play guitar!!!"

---While at The Monkees' pad, the guitar lesson's are not going as planned.

"Ok, it's pretty simple," said Mike holding up 'Black Beauty' "You have your 6 stringed gee-tar. The 6th string is 'E' , the 5th string is 'A' , the 4th string is 'D' , the 3rd string is 'G' , the 2nd string is 'B' , and the 1st string is 'E'. You got that so-far?" asked Mike

"Well, I got everything up until 'ok, it's pretty simple'" said Amy "Lemme see if I picked any of what you said up." said Amy "6th is 'E', 5th is 'A', 4th is 'D', 3rd is 'G', 2nd is 'B' and 1st is 'E'. So, how'd I do teach??? asked Amy

"That's incredible!" said Mike astounded

"How'd you do that?" asked Micky

Amy looked at the boy's and smiled. She couldn't believe it herself! "I...I,I don't have any...idea! Teach me some more, Mike!" said Amy astounded with herself.

"You bet li'le darlin'" said Mike with a huge smile. "But before I do, I wanna play somthin' for you! Hey guy's, feel like playin' a song?" asked Mike to Micky, Davy, and Peter.

"Sure, bu' what you wanna play?" asked Davy

"I think I wanna play" Mike whispered the song into Davy's ear so Amy couldn't hear what it was.

"Oh, I SEE!" said Davy.

Davy whispered the song to Micky and Peter.

"I think you're gonna like this little darlin'!" said Mike

They started to play "Sweet Young Thing.

---But On the outside of the house...

While they were playing, little did they know that Lenny was outside the window. He found a pay-phone and called the head manager.

"Boss, I think we have a problem!" said Lenny

"What KIND of problem, Lenny?" asked the manager

"You said no monkey-business and there is monkey-business and I don't know what to do and..."

"Larry, slow down! What is going on?" asked the manager

"The Monkees! The Monkees are teaching Amy to play!" said Larry in a nervous wreck.

"Stay there until I arrive! We'll just see to it that The Monkees don't teach her one thing more. I mean, how much could she have learned in a couple hours?" said the T.V. manager.

---Back on the inside...

"...With dream's of bluer skies, and the bald eag. sing's when I see it in your eye, sweet young thing, Sweet Young Thing."

"Oh that was just wonderful!" said Amy "Did you write that yourself?" she asked

"Why infact I..." Mike was cut off as someone opened the front door.

"Alright Amy, you are coming with me to show the studio what you have learned!" said the head manager walking in with Lenny

"You told me I had a week! You cant take me anywhere!" said Amy running to Mike scared

"That's right! You're not takin' Amy anywhere!" Mike yelled back at the manager

"I thinkI AM!" said the Boss taking out a gun and holding it to Mike.

"NO! Take me, but don't hurt him, PLEASE!" Amy shouted

"Don't worry darling, these boy's wont be hurt unless you decide not to come with us! Lenny, grab her!"

Lenny walked over to Mike and grabbed Amy's' arm, then dragged her over to his boss.

"Lenny, you stay here with The Monkees and make sure they don't escape. I have to take Ms. Blessing here to the panel at Mammoth Studios. If she does what she is told, the boy's go free. But if she fails to do so, it's curtains for them all!" said the Boss laughing hysterically.

"Forgive me, Mike...I'm sorry" shouted Amy as she was dragged out the door

"Wha' we gonna do now, Mike?" whispered Davy

"We have to distract that Lenny character so we can get down to the T.V. station to help Amy!"

"How we gonna manage that?" asked Davy

Micky, Davy, and Mike all thought a minute and looked at Peter.

"What did I do???" asked Peter

"Nothing, yet!" said Micky

Micky got a fiendish look in his eye and took the guys aside and started to whisper the plan.

After a minute, Peter gets a worried-puppy look, and hesitantly walks out through the back door.

"Hey...now wait just a minute...where's he goin'?" asked Lenny starting to follow Peter.

"Well...em, he...uh..." said Davy trying to think fast

"He went to use the facilities...yeah..thats it" said Micky

"Outside?" asked Lenny growing more suspicious

"Well...this house isn't exactly new" said Mike

"What are you guys up to? I HOPE you're not planning anything fishy!" Said Lenny

"'Ey...Lenny...now why in the world woul' we try an' out smart a brain li'e you? I mean...with your kin' of job...ya 'ave t'be smarter than the avrege monkey- 'scuse the pun" said Davy.

Mike looks out the window while Davy and Micky keep Lenny talking and motions for Peter to come to the window.

"Pete, 'member the plan, right?" whispered Mike

"Yeah...but why can't Davy do it? I mean..." Peter whispers.

"Peter, he can't do it ALL the time, man. Just think about who yer doin' it for." said Mike

"Ok..." said Peter placing a blonde wig on his head.

Mike walks back to the group and smiles.

"Hey, Lenny...I think you should answer the door" said Mike a bit loudly so that Peter could hear from outside.

"Nobody's knocking at the--" Said Lenny intrupped by a knocking at the door. Lenny goes to the door and opens it to find Peter dressed up in discuise...as a woman. Lenny is instantly awe-struck, forgetting about everything else around him. He walks in the house and bats his eyes at Lenny.

"H-H-Hello there, Miss...is there anything I can do for you?" asked Lenny

"Why...yes there is...you see, I---I, um" Peter looks at Davy confused

"She needs a cup of sugah...it's in the kitchen...I'd get it meself, bu' I'm jus' a bit too short for the shelf" said Davy

"Yeah...Hey Lenny...I bet this lady would like it very much if ya went and got it for her. Maybe she'll make ya a pie" said Micky

"Wow...ya think so? I'll get the sugar!" said lenny walking for the kitchen taking the dressed up Peter by the hand.

"Keep him busy, man...we're goin' to the station" said Mike hurridly to Peter.

The 3 Monkees ran for the car and sped off to the Mammoth television studios.

---Inside Mammoth Studios...

"You're gonna be sorry...they'll be here to help me. Mike would never let me down!" Said Amy frantically

"I don't mean to burst your bubble sweetheart, but Mike isn't comming to rescue you this time. I'm afraid you're just going to have to face the reality and admit you can't play the guitar. Make it eaiser for me and less embarrsing for you." Said The boss.

"They won't make me play...they can't! I'll tell them..." said Amy being cut off

"You wont tell them a single word my dear. Because if you do...haa haa if you do, it's just one phone call away from saying a periment goodbye to your Monkee friends" said the boss cackling

"NO! Fine...are you happy? YOU won! Let's get this overwith..." said Amy in tears

The boss lead Amy to a small room, very dim-lit and makes her sit down in a chair. He gives Amy an evil stare as if to remind her of his warning. She shudders and looks blankly to the wall, waiting for the head manager as patiently as possile.

"Oh Mike, I wish you were here" Amy whispered under her breath.

---In Mammoth Studios parking lot...

"Mike!!! Slow down would ya? We're gonna die!" screamed Micky at Mike as he turned sharply into the Mammoth Studio parking lot.

"Micky...we gotta find her...we can't let them take her show...not without a fight" said Mike puting the car into park as quick as possible.

The 3 Monkees got out of the car and ran to the entrance of the studio. A watch guard was standing contently at the door. He gave the boy's a fiendish look and frowned. "Where have you guys been?" asked the guard

"Huh, wha'?" said Micky

"Wha'd'ya you mean, officer?" asked Davy

"You guys are supposed to go on in 2 minutes! Supposed to be here an hour ago...but thats showbiz folk for ya..." said the guard getting cut off

"Wait a minute...what do you mean?" asked Mike

"You're the clown act ain't ya? For the kid show?" asked the guard

"No, officer...we're a group...we're The Monkees...we have no time for this, we got a girl to find" said Mike running past the guard and into the studios with the 2 other Monkees running as fast as they can behind him to catch up.

"HEY! STOP! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE THEN..." said the officer running after the boys.

---Back in the Studio room...

"Amy...I didn't think you could learn guitar in such a short period of time. It's only been, what, 2 day's now?" said one of the panel members. The boss looked devilishly at Amy to make sure she wouldn't tell the truth.

"Well...I'm just a...fast learner" said Amy nervously

"Are you ready to play for the panel, Amy? You could always just give up..." said The boss giving her an evil look

"NO! I mean...Yes, I'm ready" said Amy walking up to the front of the room as one of the panel membershanded her a guitar.

"Ok, Amy, I'll count to three and you can show us what you got, ok?" asked another one of the panel members.

"Alright, on three then" said Amy


The count down was cut off by The Monkees. They burst into the room panting for air as the guard followed running after them.

"MIKE!" screamed Amy running to him like a scared puppy


Amy looked at Davy, then Micky, then Mike.

"I can't do this" Amy whispered "How can I play? I can't..."

"Yes...Amy...you can. All ya have to do is remember what I taught to ya. Remember how fast ya learned the notes? And we're here...nothing can happen to you. Trust me, just go up there and play. It'll all come to you." said Mike hugging her and leading her toward the bandstand.

Amy picked up the guitar and looked at the man who was counting before hand. She nodded.

"One, two, three"

Amy placed her fingers gently on the strings and closed her eyes. She thought about what Mike had taught her, then, she remembered when Mike and the other Monkees played at the "Groovy A-Go-Go".

She strumed the first chord, then the second...she was playing "The Kind Of Girl I Could Love"...the same song Mike had dedicated to her in the club. She looked at Mike, and tears welled up in her eyes as she played. Amy couldn't believe it. Neither could Mike,Micky,or Davy. She finished the song and ran hugging Mike

"IT CAN'T BE! HOW? IN 2 DAYS!?" screamed the boss.

"Let's just say...it was a Monkee miracle" said Micky lifting an eyebrow

"'ey...I think ya wanna arrest tha' man for fraud don't you?" asked Davy to the guard

The gurad smiled, slapped the handcuffs on the boss and lead him out of the room.

"Congrats, Amy...Looks like you get to keep your show." said the panel guy

Amy looked at Mike and smiled. "How can I ever repay you?" asked Amy

"Well, how about what we left off on during your gee-ter lessons?" said Mike with a smile

"Ok..." said Amy. She leaned closer, Mike puckered up, but she kissed him on the cheek. She looked at him laughing as he put on a dissapointed look.

"Mike...thank you...I-I could have never done it without you, I..."

"You don't have to say another word" said Mike placing his fingers over her lips to silence her. Mike leaned foward and kissed her.

"Awwww...true luv strikes again...and may I add...not with Davy this time" said Micky laughing

"'ey...don' do tha'" said Davy

"Hey...guys...wheres Peter?" asked Amy confused.

The guys looked at each other and they all ran out frantically to the car dragging Amy by the hand. They rushed back to the house and screeched into the driveway. Mike was the first into the house. They opened the door.

"Get away from me you wretch!" cried Peter still dressed up as a girl

"Aw, but all I wanted was a little kiss" said Lenny chasing after the discusied Peter. Amy giggled and looked at Lenny.

"Lenny, did you get this nice lady some sugar?" asked Amy

"Yeah, bu-" said Lenny getting cut off

"Then your work here is done! Great job. I'll see ya at work first thing Monday morning, ok Len?" said Amy pushing Lenny out the door and slamming it shut.

"Thanks Amy...That guy was gettng fresh" said Peter

"Now ya know wha' I 'ave t'go thru ev'ry time I have to do tha'!" said Davy laughing

"You guys. I just wanna thank ya again for what ya did for me...not many people would risk their lives for some dime a dozen show-biz gal like me" said Amy "I wanna reapy you all..."

"There's no need! If we had a penny for every damsel in distress we've helped out for Davy, we'd be rich!" said Mike laughing

"No. I made a promise...and I intend to keep it! I told you I was going to do you guys a favor, and I am. You guys are going to be the new..." said Amy looking up and thinking. "You guys are going to be my co-stars on "The Swingin' Groove". And then, if I can pull some strings...you, can get your own show..."

"Tha's too much...our own TV show...we can' make ya go to all tha' trouble..." said Davy

"Well..if ya can't accept that, then at least come and sing on my show, whenever ya like." said Amy

"Ya know what Ame...I could just kiss ya right now" said Mike

"Well...what's stoppin' ya?" asked Amy giggling

"Nothing now" said Mike smiling as he remembers the first time Amy said that to him in the club. Mike gently kissed Amy.

---A few weeks later...

"Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, on "The Swingin' Groove"... it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you all for the first time, the 4 most grooviest guys I know in the whole world...who put their lives at stake to help me keep this show...Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...for the time on television..."The Monkees" said Amy walking to the sidestage where they were coming from. She kissed Mike on the cheek and hugged Micky, Davy and Peter. Amy stepped aside and gave them the ok to start. Playing "Daydream Believer", the story ends.

(Closing credits)
