~L'Histoire d'Amour - Part 9~

Written by: Shannon

At breaktime during the following week, I met David in the lounging area. He was leaning against the wall, looking at me as I was approaching him. He noticed that walked a tad slower than I normally did, and asked me if I was all right. Then I told him as he put his arms around me, “Yeah, honey I’m fine…well, I’m still kind of sore…and you know why…” And with a smile, he said, “Uh huh…” Then I said, “You know—you gave this body quite a fit, Jones…” while putting my finger on the tip of his nose.

“Oh yeah?” Then he pulled me closer, moving his hands to my hips and I said teasingly, “Don’t play innocent with me—I’ve got a sore lower back and inner thighs to prove it!” Then Davy gave me a sexy look and said, “You turn around and I’ll massage your back……I’ll get to your thighs later…” He kissed my cheek and I laughed a little bit.

I put my arms around him as we kissed on the lips, and then seconds later, he flinched. “Is everything all right?” I asked. “(It’s) my lower back. Don’t worry, I’m okay.” “No…we’re both gonna sit on that couch over there and rest.” So I took him by the hand and led him to the couch—it was so soft and comfortable, that we gave a sigh of relief when we sat down. Then Davy pat his thighs and said to me, “Come ‘ere,” so he could massage my back. “Are you sure?” I asked. “Sure I’m sure…C’mon.” So I got up and sat between his legs on the couch, and he put his arms around me, saying, “I’m beginning to love this already…” Teasingly, I replied, “You’re gonna behave yourself, aren’t you?” Then he responded in kind: “I can’t make any promises!” and we both laughed.

By this time, Liz and Peter came into the lounge, holding hands and saw the way Davy and I were sitting. Liz had an expression on here face as if to say, Isn’t that cute ?! And Peter’s chin dropped like it did in the (future) episode “Monkees Blow Their Minds.” So Peter said, “Uh…did we come at the wrong time?” We all knew he was joking, and we played along: Davy sighed, looked to the ceiling and said to me, “Honey, I thought you locked the door!” Then I softly tapped Davy’s knee and said, “Hey—wait a minute—I thought you locked it!” Then Liz tugged Peter by his shirt and said, “Pete, we better go. They need to be alone…” As they were heading toward the door, Micky and Mike came in and said, “What’s goin’ on?” to them. Then Liz and Peter pointed in our direction and the guys said, “Uh oh…again?!” And we all laughed .