~90125 - Part 1~

Written by: Shannon


Nicole Thompson and Mike Nesmith had been friends since their elementary school years. Both of them finally made it to their senior year at Spring Valley High School in California. Mike participated in the school band. He was a bass guitarist and assisted on vocals. Nicole was not in the band, but was did sing in the school choir as a soprano. Both were quite popular among their peers--socially and academically. They were active members of the Student Council, the National Honors Society, and Beta Club. Mike and Nicole somehow managed to balance their social and academic lives that they were not considered to be a couple of "stuck-up brains" or "overbearing geeks". They treated everybody with respect, and got it in return.

One time in the sixth grade, Mike developed strong feelings for Nikki--the nickname the he often calls her. He wanted to be more than just her friend. When he said and did things around her, he felt awkward because he didn't want to scare her away. Nicole never caught on to the fact that Mike had a "thing" for her--she always thought of him as a close friend...and nothing more. It wasn't until the eighth grade that Mike finally had the courage to ask her out, but she politely turned him down. Naturally, it was hard for him to accept that at first. But he could rely on their close friendship--THAT was their solid foundation. They were always there for each other through the good and bad times. Little did they realize that another obstacle was around the corner--especially for Nicole.


90125..."Our Song"

During their sophomore year at Spring Valley High, Nicole had a serious crush on Davy Jones. Davy was a "jock"--he played on the school's junior varsity football team. Nicole mentioned her feelings for him to Mike one day during first lunch: "You must be JOKING..." Mike said.

"Why Mike, are you jealous or somethin'?"

"Oh p-shaw, Nikki--I'm not jealous."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"Just LOOK at 'im! He THINKS he's God's gift to all the girls in the world!!"

"Oh whatever, Mike... WHATEVER..."

Weeks later in the football season, the Spring Valley Huskies defeated the Palmetto Tigers. The high school administrators agreed to a victory party on campus. They brought in some DJs to play the latest jams. It was really cool to see a lot of students and faculty members supporting the football team, as well as the school. If an award were given for 'Most School Spirit', it would definitely go to Spring Valley--hands down.

Mike was a fairly good slow-dancer, but he was a "klutz"--as Nikki would say--when it came to the fast moves. Nicole tried to teach him one of the latest steps, but he didn't want to try.

"Aw, Mike...c'mon!! It's EASY... Just watch me--"

"Nuh-uh...YOU go ahead and I'll wait here."

Respecting his wishes, Nicole went toward the dance floor as he talked with others around him. While Nicole was dancing, Davy came up behind her...liking what he saw. She didn't realize he was there next to her, watching her dance...until she turned around.

" Oh...you scared me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, Nicole."

"How did you know my name?"

"I've been watching you... talking to your boyfriend over there--"

"Oh, you mean Mike? N-no, Mike's not my boyfriend..."

" WELL, I guess that makes it easier for ME then..."

" I'm not sure I'm following you, Davy--" And then, as if it were perfect timing, they started to play a slow-jam:

" May I have this dance?"

" Sure, okay..."

Davy wrapped his arms around her, looking deeply into her eyes. He said to her, "You're a terrific dancer."

"Thanks," she replied timidly, looking at the floor.

Raising her chin with his finger, he asked, "You're beautiful...has anyone ever told you that?"

Still a little shy, she answered, "Uh-huh..."

"Yeah? Who?"

"...My mom 'n dad..." She didn't know what else to say, but THAT was the truth! Finally getting over her bashfulness, she laughed along with Davy. And then he brought her closer in a bear hug as they danced.

With her chin resting on his shoulder, Nicole saw Mike across the room giving looks of disapproval. She frowned at him as if to say, "Oh, just SHUT UP..." and closed her eyes...while Mike rolled his. All she could do was savor the moment: "This is our song," she thought to herself.